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CS 131

Homework Template and Design Recipe Template
Version as of 10-11-02

at the beginning of the homework file:
; type in your name (or both names, IF working as a pair)
; CS 131 HW X
; last modified:

...for each problem on the homework: ;*********************************************************** ; Problem X ;
Order of design recipe steps:
function "template" for easier cut-and-paste: ;;---------------------------------------------------------- ;; a x is a structure: ;; (make-x y1 y2 ... yn) ;; ...where y1 is a dt, y2 is a dt, ... ;; and yn is a dt. ;; THEN, add a brief sentence EXPLAINING x's meaning. (define-struct x (y1 y2 ... yn)) ;;---------------------------------------------------------- ;; a y is either: ;; 1. a x structure, or ;; 2. a y structure, or ;; ... ;; n. a z structure. ;; (note: assuming that data definitions for x-z have been given) ;; THEN, add a a brief sentence EXPLAINING y's meaning, if not obvious. ;;---------------------------------------------------------- ;; a list-of-type is either: ;; 1. the empty list, empty, or ;; 2. (cons type-inst type-list) ;; ...where type-inst is a type and type-list is a ;; list-of-type. ;; THEN, add a brief sentence EXPLAINING list-of-type's meaning, if not obvious. ;;---------------------------------------------------------- ;; CONTRACT: ;; PURPOSE: ;; EXAMPLES: ;; (note: modify template as appropriate to include cond's, selectors, list operators, etc.) ;; TEMPLATE: ;; (define (process-x a-x) ;; ... (x-y1 a-x) ... ;; ... (x-y2 a-x) ... ;; ... ;; ... (x-yn a-x) ...) (define ; expr to go here ) ;; TESTS: ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function "template" with more explanation: be done for EACH function (auxiliary OR main): ;;----------------------------------------------------------- ;; (ONLY IF APPROPRIATE FOR PROBLEM; note that a data definition used for ;; several functions within a program only needs to appear ONCE, ;; before the first function using that compound data.) ;; DATA ANALYSIS and DEFINITIONS: ;; (include a data definition for EACH structure needed) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;; a mystruct is a structure: ;; (make-mystruct x1 x2 ... xn) ;; ...where x1 is a x1-datatype, x2 is a x2-datatype, ... ;; and xn is a xn-datatype. ;; THEN, add a brief sentence EXPLAINING mystruct's meaning. (define-struct mystruct (x1 x2 ... xn)) ;; note that the following supertype definition is assumed to be preceded ;; by data definitions of all of the subtypes x-z that it uses. ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;; a supertype is either: ;; 1. a x structure, or ;; 2. a y structure, or ;; ... ;; n. a z structure. ;; THEN, add a a brief sentence EXPLAINING supertype's meaning, if not obvious. ;;---------------------------------------------------------- ;; a list-of-type is either: ;; 1. the empty list, empty, or ;; 2. (cons type-inst type-list) ;; ...where type-inst is a type and type-list is a ;; list-of-type. ;; THEN, add a brief sentence EXPLAINING list-of-type's meaning, if not obvious. ;;---------------------------------------------------------- ;; CONTRACT: function-name : input types -> output types ;; PURPOSE: type in PURPOSE STATEMENT for function-name, making ;; use of parameter names from header/definition ;; EXAMPLES: ;; (function-name specific-arguments) should produce actual-value ;; (how many examples? We'll refine this --- but, for now, try to ;; have one for each main "category" of data that might occur, ;; plus "boundary" situations.) ;; (note: modify template as appropriate to include cond's, selectors, list operators, etc.) ;; TEMPLATE: ;; (define (process-mystruct a-mystruct) ;; ... (mystruct-x1 a-mystruct) ... ;; ... (mystruct-x2 a-mystruct) ... ;; ... ;; ... (mystruct-xn a-mystruct) ...) (define (function-name parameter-names) ; expr for function-name's body, indented. BUT final parenth can be here: ) ) ; ...or here. ;; TESTS: ; type in your specific tests (from examples above) here. ; you may choose to compare your function call result to your expected ; result, as in: (= (function-name actual-arguments) expected-result) ; or, you may type so both will show on consecutive lines: (function-name actual-arguments) ; expected result expected-result ; (and these two styles may be mixed and matched as needed, as long ; as all examples are actually run as tests) ;;-----------------------------------------------------------
data definition examples: ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; general structure of a DATA DEFINITION: ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;; a my-new-struct is a structure: ;; (make-my-new-struct info-1 info-2 ... info-n) ;; ...where info-1 is a data-type and info-2 is a data-type ... ;; and info-n is a data-type ;; THEN, add a brief sentence EXPLAINING my-new-struct's meaning. ;(define-struct my-new-struct (info-1 info-2 ... info-n)) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; for example, ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;; a prof is a structure: ;; (make-prof name office-hours office-num email) ;; ...where name, office-hours, office-num, and email are symbols. ;; prof represents a professor at Fictional State University. (define-struct prof (name office-num office-hours email)) ;------------------------------------------------------------