Please send questions to .
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "FUNCT.h"
// and any other files needed by FUNCT or what it calls
using namespace std;

 Contract: main : void -> int
 Purpose: perform unit tests for function/class FUNCT
          and permit further tests to be run as
          desired (until the user types in n to say
          they want to do no further testing), prompting
          the user for the needed arguments for each
          additional test.

 Examples: not really applicable --- this will
           perform and display to the screen the
           results of FUNCT's examples, and
           will then allow the user to enter arguments
           for additional calls of FUNCT until
           they enter n when asked if they'd like to

Compile using: 
g++ -o testFUNCT testFUNCT.cpp FUNCT.o <any other needed.o>

int main()
    // local variables - IF necessary
    string answer;
    FUNCTreturn_type result;
    return_type FUNCT_arg1;
    return_type FUNCT_arg2;

    // FIRST: test FUNCT's examples

    // (type/edit in hard-coded tests from FUNCT's
    //    Examples section ---
    // OR, for a class, test its constructors, 
    //    accessors, and mutators, as demonstrated
    //    also in the example testProf.cpp

    // IF these can be expressed as == conditions, 
    //    THEN use:
    cout << "Each 1 below indicates a PASSED test; " << endl;
    cout << "   (each 0 indicates a FAILED test)   " << endl;
    cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << (FUNCT(arg1, arg2...) == val) 
         << endl;

    // IF these CANNOT be expressed as == conditions, 
    //     THEN use:
    cout << "expected value/result of test: " << "(descr or value)"; 
    cout << "actual value/result of test: ";
    result = FUNCT(arg1, arg2...);
    cout << result << endl;
    // OR, for a class without a string depiction,
    //     call the accessors for a resulting class
    //     instance and print their results

    // PART 2 -- allow user to loop and test alphaForm further,
    //    until they type q to quit
    // (this may be OMITTED for a simple class ---
    //     or perhaps you'd ask for new values for
    //     certain member variables, change them
    //     accordingly, and show using the accessors
    //     that the change has been made...)

    cout << endl;
    cout << "Would you like to test FUNCT further?" << endl;
    cout << "(type n for no, anything else for yes)" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "your answer: ";
    cin >> answer;

    while (answer != "n")
        // for each argument... ask for a value
        cout << "Enter a FUNCT_arg1: ";
        cin >> FUNCT_arg1;

        cout << Enter a FUNCT_arg2: ";
        cin >> FUNCT_arg2;


        result = FUNCT(FUNCT_arg1, FUNCT_arg2, ...);
        cout << "returns: " << result << endl;

        cout << endl;

        cout << "Would you like to test FUNCT further?" << endl;
        cout << "(type n for no, anything else for yes)" << endl;
        cout << endl;
        cout << "your answer: ";
        cin >> answer;

    return 0;