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 Implementation file for class Prof

 created by: Sharon Tuttle
 last modified: 11-01-03 (adding member functions
                         alphaName, mailingName)
                12-11-03 (adding no-argument constructor
                         and making comments prettier
                         and adding overloaded ==)

#include <cmath>
#include "Prof.h"
using namespace std;

// implementation of constructors

Prof::Prof(string lname, string fname, string mname,
           string ttl, string email, string offcHrs, 
           double sal)
    lastName = lname;
    firstName = fname;
    middleName = mname;
    title = ttl;
    emailAddress = email;
    officeHrs = offcHrs;
    salary = sal;

Prof::Prof(): lastName(""), firstName(""), middleName(""), title(""),
        emailAddress(""), officeHrs(""), salary(0)
    // deliberately empty

// implementation of accessor functions

string Prof::get_lastName() const
    return lastName;

string Prof::get_firstName() const
    return firstName;

string Prof::get_middleName() const
    return middleName;

string Prof::get_title() const
    return title;

string Prof::get_emailAddress() const
    return emailAddress;

string Prof::get_officeHrs() const
    return officeHrs;

double Prof::get_salary() const
    return salary;

// implementation of mutator functions
void Prof::set_lastName(string new_lname)
    lastName = new_lname;
void Prof::set_firstName(string new_fname)
    firstName = new_fname;

void Prof::set_middleName(string new_mname)
    middleName = new_mname;

void Prof::set_title(string new_ttl)
    title = new_ttl;
void Prof::set_emailAddress(string new_email)
    emailAddress = new_email;
void Prof::set_officeHrs(string new_offHrs)
    officeHrs = new_offHrs;
void Prof::set_salary(double new_sal)
    salary = new_sal;

// implementation of overloaded operators
bool Prof::operator == (const Prof& rhProf) const
    return ((lastName == rhProf.lastName)
            && (firstName == rhProf.firstName)
            && (middleName == rhProf.middleName)
            && (title == rhProf.title)
            && (emailAddress == rhProf.emailAddress)
            && (abs(salary - rhProf.salary) < .00001));

// implementations of other member functions

 Contract: alphaName : void -> string
 Purpose: Return a single string of the form:
          lastName, firstName middleName
          ... of the object for which this function
          is called.

 Examples: cs131_prof.alphaName() ==
           "Tuttle, Sharon Marie"

string Prof::alphaName() const
    return lastName + ", " + firstName + " " +
 Contract: mailingName : void -> string
 Purpose: Return a single string of the form:
          title firstName middleName lastName
          ... of the object for which this
          function is called.

 Examples: cs131_prof.mailingForm() ==
           "Dr. Sharon Marie Tuttle"
string Prof::mailingName() const
    return title + " " + firstName + " " + middleName
	   + " " + lastName;