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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Student.h"
#include "Prof.h"
#include "Course.h"
using namespace std;
// test_Course.cpp - WARNING, only partial!
// Contract: main: void -> int
// Purpose: show that, without overloaded assignment
// operator, assigning one object to another
// really DOES make it reference the SAME
// members when pointers are involved...
// (AND copy-situations have the same effect)
// Examples: not really applicable --- simply shows
// that, when Course c2 is
// assigned Course c1, enrolling a student into c2
// ALSO enrolls that student into c1
// too!
// by: Sharon M. Tuttle
// last modified: 12-12-03
int main()
string dummy; // to hold any-character-to-continue... 8-)
Student s1("Jones", "Anna", 3);
Student s2("Smith", "Joe", 3);
Student s3("Nguyen", "Dian", 3);
Student s4;
Student s5("Hughes", "Howard", 8);
Prof p1("Tuttle", "Sharon", "M.", "Dr.", "st10", "Never",
Prof emptyProf;
Course c1("CS 131", "Intro to CS", p1);
Course c2;
// quick basic tests of Course constructors and accessors
cout << "QUICK TESTS of Course's constructors and accessors: "
<< endl;
cout << "---------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "the following are 1 is passed, 0 if failed: " << endl;
cout << ( c1.get_courseNum() == "CS 131") << endl;
cout << ( c1.get_courseName() == "Intro to CS") << endl;
cout << ( c1.get_numEnrolled() == 0) << endl;
cout << ( c1.get_enrolled() == NULL) << endl;
cout << ( c1.get_instructor() == p1) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << ( c2.get_courseNum() == "") << endl;
cout << ( c2.get_courseName() == "") << endl;
cout << ( c2.get_numEnrolled() == 0) << endl;
cout << ( c2.get_enrolled() == NULL) << endl;
cout << ( c2.get_instructor() == emptyProf) << endl;
s1.set_grade(0, 100);
s1.set_grade(1, 95);
s1.set_grade(2, 87);
s3.set_grade(0, 50);
s3.set_grade(1, 60);
s3.set_grade(2, 70);
// quick test of new = operator in Student
cout << endl;
cout << "QUICK TEST of new = operator in Student: " << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------" << endl;
s4 = s1;
cout << "Student 4: " << endl;
cout << " name should be Anna Jones: " << s4.get_firstName()
<< " " << s4.get_lastName() << endl;
cout << " " << "number of grades should be 3: "
<< s4.get_numGrades() << endl;
cout << " grades should be 100 95 87: ";
for (int i = 0; i < s4.get_numGrades(); i++)
cout << s4.get_grade(i) << " ";
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "type any letter and enter to continue: ";
cin >> dummy;
// quick test of Course's enroll member function
cout << endl;
cout << "QUICK TEST of Course's enroll member function: " << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "the following are 1 if passed, 0 if failed: " << endl;
cout << (c1.get_numEnrolled() == 2) << endl;
cout << ( (c1.get_enrolled())[0] == s1) << endl;
cout << ( (c1.get_enrolled())[1] == s2) << endl;
cout << "type any letter and enter to continue: ";
cin >> dummy;
// quick test of Course's remove member function
cout << endl;
cout << "QUICK TEST of Course's remove member function: " << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "the following are 1 is passed, 0 if failed: " << endl;
cout << (c1.get_numEnrolled() == 3) << endl;
cout << ( (c1.get_enrolled())[0] == s1) << endl;
cout << ( (c1.get_enrolled())[1] == s3) << endl;
cout << ( (c1.get_enrolled())[2] == s4) << endl;
cout << "type any letter and enter to continue: ";
cin >> dummy;
// quick test of printRoll member function
cout << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "ROLLS BEFORE ASSIGNMENT: " << endl;
cout << "type any letter and enter to continue: ";
cin >> dummy;
// ...helping with quick test of Course's = operator
c2 = c1;
cout << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "ROLLS AFTER ASSIGNMENT: " << endl;
cout << "type any letter and enter to continue: ";
cin >> dummy;
// demonstrate need for overloaded = ...
cout << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "ROLLS AFTER CHANGES: " << endl;
cout << " (enrollment of Howard Hughes in c2," << endl;
cout << " (and removal of (first) Anna Jones from c1)" << endl;
return 0;