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#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "Dice.h"
using namespace std;

 Contract: main : void -> int
 Purpose: perform unit tests for class Dice
          (basic tests of its constructor(s),
          accessors, mutators, and any other
          member functions) and permit further 
          tests of member function roll to be run as
          desired (until the user types in n to say
          they want to do no further testing), prompting
          the user for how many sides the die should
          have and how many times it should be rolled for
          each additional test.

 Examples: not really applicable --- this will
           perform and display to the screen the
           results of tests of Dice's constructors, 
           accessors, and mutators, and will then
           show the rolls of dice with a user-specified
           number of sides for a user-specified number
	   of rolls (until they type n to stop).

Compile using: 
g++ -o testDice testDice.cpp Dice.o randgen.o

int main()
    // some local variables
    string answer;
    int desiredNumSides;
    int desiredNumRolls;

    // testing both of Dice's constructors
    Dice regular;
    Dice fancier(12);
    Dice testDie;

    // test Dice's accessor functions (and confirms
    //    constructors, too, note!)
    cout << "6-sided-die #sides: " << regular.get_numSides()
         << endl;
    cout << "6-sided-die #rolls so far: "
         << regular.get_numRolls() << endl;
    cout << "12-sided-die #sides: " << fancier.get_numSides()
         << endl;
    cout << "12-sided-die #rolls so far: "
         << fancier.get_numRolls() << endl;

    // test Dice's mutator function
    cout << "changed 12-sided die to one with 15 --" << endl;
    cout << "   and its numSides IS now: " 
         << fancier.get_numSides() << endl;

    // roll needs special individual testing
    Dice myDie(3);
    cout << "3-sided die roll should return 1, 2, or 3: "
         << endl << "roll is: " << myDie.roll() << endl;
    cout << "6-sided die roll should return value in [1, 6]:"
         << endl << "roll is: " << regular.roll() << endl;
    cout << "15-sided die roll should return val in [1,15]:"
         << endl << "roll is: " << fancier.roll() << endl;

    // is numRolls getting properly updated:
    cout << "return 1 if 6-sided die has been rolled once: "
         << (regular.get_numRolls() == 1) << endl;

    // give user a chance to test roll further
    //    (and give us an excuse to use a for loop! 8-) )
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Would you like to test roll further?" << endl;
    cout << "(type n for no, anything else for yes)" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "your answer: ";
    cin >> answer;

    while (answer != "n")
        // ask user how many sides the test die
        //    should have, and how many rolls they
        //    want to see
        cout << "how many sides should die have?: ";
        cin >> desiredNumSides;

        cout << "how many times shall die be rolled?: ";
        cin >> desiredNumRolls;

        // roll such a die that many times!
        testDie = Dice(desiredNumSides);
        for (int i=0; i < desiredNumRolls; i++)
            cout << "roll #" << i+1 << ": " 
                 << testDie.roll() << endl;

        cout << "was die rolled " << desiredNumRolls
             << " times?" << endl;
        cout << "   num rolls: " << testDie.get_numRolls()
             << endl;

        cout << "Would you like to test roll further?" 
             << endl;
        cout << "(type n for no, anything else for yes)" 
             << endl;
        cout << endl;
        cout << "your answer: ";
        cin >> answer;

    return 0;