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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Contract: void -> int
// Purpose: interactively find out how many rats there 
//          are, get their weights, and determine the total
//          of all of their weights. Print this total weight
//          in a message to the screen.
// Examples: if, when prompted, the user enters 4,
//           then the user should be prompted to enter
//           4 rat weights; if the 4 weights entered
//           are 13.3, 5, 27.1, and 15.5, then it
//           should print to the screen:
// The total weight is 60.9
// by: Sharon M. Tuttle
// last modified: 10-28-03

int main ( )
    // local declarations
    double   weight, total = 0;
    int     num_rats;

    // how many rats are there?
    cout << "how many rats are being entered? ";
    cin >> num_rats;

    // get each rat's weight, accumulate sum of weights
    for (int i=0; i < num_rats; i++)
	cout << "Enter the next rat weight: ";
	cin >> weight;
	total += weight;
    // report the sum of all the rats' weights
    cout <<  endl << "The total weight is " << total << endl;

    return 0;