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#include <iostream>
#include "sumCosts.h"
using namespace std;
// Contract: main : void -> int
// Purpose: compare/test sumCostsI and sumCostsR on
// a couple of linked lists of MyNodes
// Examples: not really applicable; simply runs
// the functions on several hard-coded
// lists and prints the results
// by: Sharon M. Tuttle
// last modified: 11-17-03
int main()
MyNodePtr emptyList;
MyNodePtr newNodePtr, headPtr;
// do both work properly on an empty list?
emptyList = NULL;
cout << "sumCostsI(emptyList) should be 0: "
<< sumCostsI(emptyList) << endl;
cout << "sumCostsR(emptyList) should be 0: "
<< sumCostsR(emptyList) << endl;
// how about the Examples-described list in
// the 2 functions? (building from last to first)
headPtr = NULL;
newNodePtr = new MyNode(4, 1.13);
headPtr = newNodePtr;
newNodePtr = new MyNode(3, 0.50);
headPtr = newNodePtr;
newNodePtr = new MyNode(2, 2.30);
headPtr = newNodePtr;
newNodePtr = new MyNode(1, 1.50);
headPtr = newNodePtr;
// NOW can run test...!
cout << endl;
cout << "sumCostsI(headPtr) should be 5.43: "
<< sumCostsI(headPtr) << endl;
cout << "sumCostsR(headPtr) should be 5.43: "
<< sumCostsR(headPtr) << endl;
return 0;