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#include <iostream>
#include "MyNode.h"
#include "equalCost.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    MyNode node1;

    node1 = MyNode(13, 3.98);

    cout << endl;
    cout << "CONSTRUCTOR TESTS" << endl;
    cout << "should be: 3.98: " << node1.get_cost() << endl;
    cout << "should be: 13: " << node1.get_quant() << endl;
    if (node1.get_nextPtr() == NULL)
        cout << "HOORAY! next is properly null!" << endl;
        cout << "WHAT!!!!???? next ISN'T null?!?" << endl;

    MyNode nodeBlah;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "should be: 0: " << nodeBlah.get_cost() << endl;
    cout << "should be: 0: " << nodeBlah.get_quant() << endl;
    if (nodeBlah.get_nextPtr() == NULL)
        cout << "HOORAY! next is properly null!" << endl;
        cout << "WHAT!!!!???? next ISN'T null?!?" << endl;

    cout << endl;
    cout << "POINTER-RELATED TESTS " << endl;
    MyNodePtr nodePtr;
    nodePtr = new MyNode(20, 0.99);

    // show that node1 is "linked" to another node
    cout <<  node1.get_nextPtr()->get_cost() << endl;
    cout << node1.get_nextPtr()->get_quant() << endl;

    cout << endl;
    cout << "TESTS OF equalCost" << endl;
    MyNode node2(58, 3.98);
    cout << "should return 0: " << equalCost(node1, *nodePtr)
	 << endl;
    cout << "should return 1: " << equalCost(node1, node2)
         << endl;

    cout << endl;
    cout << "TESTING getQuant " << endl;
    MyNode node3(58, 3.98);
    cout << "should return 0: " << node1.equalQuant(*nodePtr)
	 << endl;
    cout << "should return 1: " << node2.equalQuant(node3)
         << endl;

    cout << endl;
    cout << "TESTING overloaded ops" << endl;

    cout << "should return 1: " << ( node2 == node3) 
         << endl;
    cout << " should return 0: " << (node1 == node2)
         << endl;

    MyNode node4;
    node4 = node1 + node2;
    cout << "node4 info: cost: " << node4.get_cost()
         << " quant: " << node4.get_quant() << endl;

    return 0;