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 Implementation file for class Student WITH 
    explicitly-defined destructor, copy constructor, and 
    overloaded assignment operator.
 created by: Sharon Tuttle
 last modified: 12-3-03
#include <iostream>
#include "Student2.h"
using namespace std;

// implementation of constructors

Student::Student (string gvn_lastName, string gvn_firstName,
         int gvn_numGrades)
    lastName = gvn_lastName;
    firstName = gvn_firstName;
    numGrades = gvn_numGrades;

    gradesArray = new double[numGrades];
Student::Student ()
    lastName = "";
    firstName = "";
    numGrades = 0;
    gradesArray = NULL;

// implementation of copy constructor

Student::Student (const Student& studentObject)
    lastName = studentObject.lastName;
    firstName = studentObject.firstName;
    numGrades = studentObject.numGrades;

    if (numGrades > 0)
	gradesArray = new double[numGrades];

	for (int i=0; i < numGrades; i++)
	    gradesArray[i] = studentObject.gradesArray[i];
	gradesArray = NULL;

// implementation of destructor

    delete [ ] gradesArray;

// implementation of accessor functions
string Student::get_lastName() const
    return lastName;

string Student::get_firstName() const
    return firstName;

int Student::get_numGrades() const
    return numGrades;

// returns the ith grade for this student
//    (return -1 if gradesArray NULL or
//    i is out-of-bounds)
double Student::get_grade(int i) const
    // make sure it is reasonable to even attempt to
    //    grab this grade... return -1 if it ISN'T
    if ((gradesArray == NULL) ||
        ((i < 0) || (i >= numGrades)))
        return -1;

    // IF reach here --- should be OK to at least
    //    TRY to grab ith grade.
    // (IF user hasn't set yet? well... OK, they're stuck
    //    then...)
        return gradesArray[i];

// implementation of mutator functions
void Student::set_lastName(string new_lastName)
    lastName = new_lastName;

void Student::set_firstName(string new_firstName)
    firstName = new_firstName;

// note that this also dynamically allocates
//    a gradesArray of this size...
void Student::set_numGrades(int new_numGrades)
    numGrades = new_numGrades;

    // draconian as specified: if were grades before,
    //    they are now NUKED...
    if (gradesArray != NULL)
        delete [ ] gradesArray;

    // in ALL cases: allocate a new gradesArray of this
    //    new size
    gradesArray = new double[numGrades];

// set the ith grade in gradesArray to newGrade
void Student::set_grade(int i, double newGrade)
    if ((i < 0) || (i >= numGrades))
        cout << "Student::set_grade: index " << i 
             << " is out of bounds!" << endl;
        gradesArray[i] = newGrade;

// implementation of overloaded operators
void Student::operator =(const Student& rightHandStudent)
    lastName = rightHandStudent.lastName;
    firstName = rightHandStudent.firstName;
    numGrades = rightHandStudent.numGrades;

    if (numGrades > 0)
	gradesArray = new double[numGrades];

	for (int i=0; i < numGrades; i++)
	    gradesArray[i] = rightHandStudent.gradesArray[i];
	gradesArray = NULL;

// implementation of other member functions

// Contract: avgGrade : void -> double
// Purpose: returns the average of the grades
//          in calling Student's gradesArray;
//          returns -1 if gradesArray == NULL.
// Examples: for Student emptyStudent(); :
//              emptyStudent.avgGrade() == -1
//           for Student exStudent("Geo", "Jon", 3);
//              with grades 100, 80, 75,
//              exStudent.avgGrade() == 85
double Student::avgGrade() const
    double sumGrades = 0;

    if (numGrades == 0)
        return -1;
        for (int i=0; i < numGrades; i++)
            sumGrades += gradesArray[i];
        // KNOW numGrades != 0...
        return sumGrades / numGrades;

// Contract: hasHigherAvgThan : Student -> bool
// Purpose: returns true if calling Student has
//          an average grade higher than 
//          otherStudent; returns false otherwise.
// Examples: if Student student1("A", "A", 3)
//              has grades 100, 80, 75,
//           Student student2("B", "B", 4)
//              has grades 80, 80, 90, 90, and
//           Student student3("C", "C", 3)
//              has grades 86, 87, 88,
//           then:
//   student1.hasHigherAvgThan(student2) == false
//   student3.hasHigherAvgThan(student2) == true
//   student1.hasHigherAvgThan(student3) == false
bool Student::hasHigherAvgThan(Student otherStudent) const
    return (avgGrade() > otherStudent.avgGrade());