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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# ex1
# A bit more playing with scalars, from Lab Week 1
# adapted and varied from by Sharon Tuttle from "Learning Perl",
#    by Schartz and Phoenix
# last modified: 9-2-04

$fred = "chocolate";
print "$fred\n";
print '$fred\n';

print "I want to eat ${fred}s!\n";

print 'value of $fred: ' . "$fred\n";
print "value of \$fred: $fred\n";

print "enter an animal name: ";
chomp($an_choice = <STDIN>);

print "you chose $an_choice, which is quite lovely.\n";
print "you must really like ${an_choice}s.\n";

print "#1\n";
print `date`;
print "#2\n";
$george = `date`;

print "$george";

print "#3";

`ls $george`;