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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# lab03_wildcard1
# using simple patterns with wildcard . (dot)
# see which lines contain mist followed by any other character
# followed by r --- also see which contain 9.9
# modified by Sharon Tuttle from "Learning Perl",
# by Schartz and Phoenix
# last modified: 9-7-04
while (<>)
# see if $_ contains mist, any character, r
if (/mist.r/)
printf "line with mist.r:<%s>\n", $_;
# see if $_ contains 9.9
if (/9\.9/)
printf "line with 9.9:<%s>\n", $_;
# see if $_ contains a backslash
if (/\\/)
printf "line with a backslash:<%s>\n", $_;
# end of lab03_wildcard1