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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# lab04_grab_names
# practice =~, binding operator, to check a given 
#    variable for a pattern; use the $' automatic
#    match variable to then grab what FOLLOWS that
#    pattern.
# modified by Sharon Tuttle from "Learning Perl",
#    by Schartz and Phoenix
# last modified: 9-16-04

# ask for a file name to check for course-required marker

print "enter a file name to check: ";
chomp($file = <STDIN>);

# kluge to quick'n'sleazily read from this file...
$ARGV[0] = $file;

while (<>)
    chomp($line = $_);

    if ($line =~ /###480-author:/)
        # automatic match variable $' grabs what FOLLOWED
        #    the latest successful match;
        $authorname = $';

        # let's strip any additional whitespace;
        $authorname =~ s/\s+//g;

        print "file has a script by: <$authorname>\n";

        # make author name all caps...
        $authorname =~ s/(.*)/\U$1/;

        print "all uppercase?: $authorname\n";

        # make author name all lowercase...
        $authorname =~ s/(.*)/\L$1/;

        print "all lowercase?: $authorname\n";

        # make author name back to mixed case
        $authorname =~ s/(.*)/\u\L$1/;

        print "mixed case?: $authorname\n";

    if ($line =~ /###480-scriptname:/)
        # automatic match variable $' grabs what FOLLOWED
        #    the latest successful match;
        $scriptname = $';

        # let's remove any whitespace;
        $scriptname =~ s/\s+//g;

        print "file should contain a script: <$scriptname>\n";

# just to play... using case shifting for variables in a
#    double-quoted string

print "at end of script, final script was \U$scriptname \Eby",
      " \U$authorname\n";
print "   (although they typed it in as $scriptname)\n";

# end of lab04_grab_names