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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# playing a bit further still...
# from CIS 480 - Perl - lecture 1
# last modified: 8-24-04 (added warnings, playing with scalars)
print "Hello, world!\n";
# playing with concatenation and string repetition operators
print (('hello' . "\n") x 5);
print 'hello' x3 . "\n";
print 'Hello world!' . "\n" x 3 ;
# very little is treated as "special" in a single quoted
# string --- except \' as a single quote character, and \\
# as a backspace character
print 'Jane\'s Airplances' . "\n";
print 'c:\\personal' . "\n";
# playing with Perl's automatic conversion between strings and
# numbers
print "12" * 6, "\n" ;
print "12fred34" * " 3" , "\n";
print "fred" * 3, "\n";
print "fred3" * 3, "\n";