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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# lect02_context
# showing how different list and scalar expressions
# behave in list and scalar contexts...
# modified by Sharon Tuttle from "Learning Perl",
# by Schartz and Phoenix
# last modified: 4-11-03
@values = (3..8); # the values 3 through 8
@myArr = @values; # also has the values 3 through 8
print "\@myArr contains: ";
foreach ( @myArr )
print "$_ ";
print "\n";
$myScalar = @values; # gets the NUMBER OF ELEMENTS in $values!
print "\n\$myScalar contains: $myScalar\n";
@words = qw/ hello goodbye toodles /;
@backwards = reverse @words; # the values toodles, goodbye, hello
print "\n\@backwards contains: ";
foreach ( @backwards )
print "$_ ";
print "\n";
$backwards = reverse @words; # the reversed STRING "seldooteybdoogolleh"
print "\n\$backwards contains: $backwards\n";
@tryme = reverse @words;
$result = @tryme;
print "\n\$result: $result\n";
# end of lect02_context