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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# lect02_foreach1
# playing with foreach - part 1
# modified by Sharon Tuttle from "Learning Perl",
# by Schartz and Phoenix
# last modified: 8-31-04
print "give beginning of range: ";
chomp($left_val = <STDIN>);
print "give ending of range: ";
chomp($right_val = <STDIN>);
# swap range ends if user got 'em backwards!
if ($left_val > $right_val)
($right_val, $left_val) = ($left_val, $right_val);
@myArr = ($left_val..$right_val);
# print each value in @myArr on its own line
print "\@myArr contains:\n";
foreach $val ( @myArr )
print "$val\n";
# print each value in a literal list on its own line
print "\nSome names: \n";
foreach $val ( qw/ George Harold Jerome /)
print "$val\n";
# use UNIX command ls to generate the files in the
# current working directory --- and print THEM
# one per line
print "\nMan! Look at all this junk:\n";
foreach $file ( `ls` )
print "$file"; # guess what? ls returns LINES of results...
# end of lect02_foreach1