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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# lect03_my3
# a subroutine to add up its arguments
# (return their sum) - NOW using lexical variable!
# and now using setting parameters to "nicer" name.
# modified by Sharon Tuttle from "Learning Perl",
#    by Schartz and Phoenix
# last modified: 9-6-04

# sum all arguments and return the sum ---
#    now using better style still (lexical variables,
#    some of which "name" the parameters with more
#    mnemonic/meaningful names!

sub sum_vals4
    # give arguments a nicer name:

    my(@list_of_nums) = @_; 

    # $sum is just a local variable, not a parameter
    #    (no @_ here, get it?)

    my($sum) = 0;

    foreach $val ( @list_of_nums )
        $sum += $val;
    return $sum;

print &sum_vals4(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), "\n";

print "enter numbers to add up, each on their own line\n";
print "   (control-d to stop):\n";
chomp(@vals = <STDIN>);

print &sum_vals4(@vals), "\n"

# end of lect03_my3