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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# lect03_stdin1
# demo stdin-with-while shortcut
# modified by Sharon Tuttle from "Learning Perl",
#    by Schartz and Phoenix
# last modified: 9-6-04

# better way to read each line into a hash...!

print "type in desired lines:\n";

while (<STDIN>)
    chomp($line = $_);

    if (exists $num_occurs{$line})
        $num_occurs{$line} += 1;

        $num_occurs{$line} = 1;

print "\nEntered strings in ASCII order and their number \n";
print "   of occurrences\n";
print "-------------------------------------------------\n";
foreach $line (sort keys %num_occurs)
    print "$line:\t$num_occurs{$line}\n";

print "\nThe number of different strings read in: ", 
      scalar keys %num_occurs, "\n\n";

# end of lect03_stdin1