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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# lect08_dbm1
# a first example of a DBM file and DBM hash.
# modified by Sharon Tuttle from "Learning Perl",
# by Schartz and Phoenix
# last modified: 10-12-04
# associate a DBM database file with a DBM hash:
# PERL STYLE TRADITION: DBM hash nameis written in
# all-caps, so it "looks" filehandle-ish
dbmopen(%DATA, "my_database", 0644)
or die "Cannot create my_database: $!";
$DATA{"fred"} = "bedrock";
print "give the next person: ";
# UNCOMMENT the following line if on a Windows system
# and first <STDIN> is being ignored...
# my $trash = <STDIN>;
chomp(my $person = <STDIN>);
print "give their hometown: ";
chomp(my $town = <STDIN>);
$DATA{ $person } = $town;
while (my($key, $value) = each(%DATA))
print "$key has value of $value\n";
# clean up/close the DBM file when done
# end of lect08_dbm1