Please send questions to .
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# all-in-one, now?
# now with the help of
# (and will fatal errors be passed on to browser,
# and errors to the lect10_06_ref file?)
# by Sharon Tuttle
# last modified: 11-02-04
use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser carpout);
warningsToBrowser(1); # activate warnings
open REF, ">> lect10_06_ref"
or die "Cannot open lect10_06_ref: $!";
# PRINT a form for the user to react to
print header, "\n";
print start_html(-title=>'lect10_06 page'), "\n";
# there's a function h1 corresponding to the tag <h1>
print h1('lect10_06 page'), "\n",
# start_form returns a form tag with method POST,
# with action the current script,
# and enctype the usual default
start_form, "\n",
br, br, "\n",
"Your name: \n",
-value=>'appears in field initially'), "\n",
br, br, "\n",
"password: \n",
-maxlength=>10), "\n",
br, br, "\n",
-value=>'george'), "\n",
br, br, "\n",
-value=>'harold'), "\n",
br, br, "\n",
submit(-value=>'Send it'), "\n",
endform, "\n";
print hr, "\n";
# remember: function param() returns a list containing the names
# of all the parameters from the form
if (param())
print REF "----------------------------------------------\n";
print REF "\nHere are fields and their values:\n";
foreach $parameter (param)
print REF " $parameter => ", param($parameter), "\n";
# just to try to tell different "calls" printouts apart;
print REF "\n";
print REF "END **********************************************\n";
close REF;
# try to send back some confirmation html
#print header, "\n";
print h1("Confirmation"), "\n";
print "<hr>\n";
print "Information transferred?<br>";
my @looky = param('checked1');
foreach (@looky)
print br;
print "A SEP VALUE: ", $_, "\n";
print br;
print "name given was: ", param('desired_label'), "\n";
print "value of checked1: ", "@looky", "\n";
print end_html, "\n";
# end of