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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# lect12_connect1
# so, can we connect to Oracle student database from
# cs-server?
# initial playing with DBI module
# by Sharon Tuttle
# last modified: 11-08-04
use DBI;
# set environment variables needed for Oracle database
# software
$ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'} = '/apps1/oracle/product/9iAS/';
$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} = '/apps1/oracle/product/9iAS/lib';
# try to connect to database named student reachable with the
# above environment informaton, for the account username and
# account password given, for an Oracle database
# (and remember --- what you connect, REMEMBER TO DISCONNECT!!!
print "Enter the desired Oracle username: ";
chomp(my $username = <STDIN>);
print "Enter the desired Oracle password: ";
chomp(my $password = <STDIN>);
my $db_handle = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:student',
"$username", "$password")
|| die "Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr";
# let's set up an SQL command...
print "for what table do you wish to see contents? ";
chomp(my $table = <STDIN>);
my $sql_cmd = "select * from $table";
# feed the SQL statement to the database handle
# with a statement handle; first, need to create
# this statement handle object:
my $stmt_handle = $db_handle->prepare( $sql_cmd )
or die $db_handle->errstr . "\n";
# now, execute the SQL command using the $stmt_handle object's
# execute() method
# how can I get the results? Well, one option is to call the
# fetchrow_array() method of the $stmt_handle object...
my @row_values = $stmt_handle->fetchrow_array();
my $row_length = @row_values;
while ($row_length > 0)
foreach (@row_values)
# because a NULL database cell value is seen as
# as undefined in this array;
if (defined($_))
printf "%10s", $_;
print " NULL";
print "\n";
@row_values = $stmt_handle->fetchrow_array();
$row_length = @row_values;
# IF you are not reading all of the rows of the executed statement,
# I am told that is is good to call finish for your statement
# handle BEFORE disconnecting the database handle.
# SO, consider this a course style standard, too.
# DON'T FORGET THIS! Not only is it POOR STYLE to do so, but
# could cause REAL Oracle performance problems if you leave
# it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# end lect12_connect1