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package MyFirstModule;

use warnings;

use Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

# identification comments
#    this is package
#    inspired by "Practical Perl with CGI Applications"
#       by E. Chang, Scott/Jones Publishing, pp. 153-159
#    by: Sharon M. Tuttle
#    last modified: 11-16-04

# description comments
#    three subroutines: first_sub, second_sub, third_sub.
#    first_sub is AUTOMATICALLY exported, and expects one
#       parameter (although it doesn't barf if given more).
#       It notes that it has been called and echoes its
#       argument.
#    second_sub is exported on request, and takes no
#       arguments. It notes that it has been called.
#    third_sub is not exported. Can it be called with pkg::sub
#       notation, or is it "invisible"? It takes no arguments,
#       and notes that it has been called.

#    first_sub is AUTOMATICALLY exported, and expects one
#       parameter (although it doesn't barf if given more).
#       It notes that it has been called and echoes its
#       argument.

sub first_sub
    my $param = $_[0];
    print "CALLED first_sub with $param in MODULE MyFirstModule\n";

#    second_sub is exported on request, and takes no
#       arguments. It notes that it has been called.

sub second_sub
    print "CALLED second_sub in MODULE MyFirstModule\n";

#    third_sub is not exported. Can it be called with pkg::sub
#       notation, or is it "invisible"? It takes no arguments,
#       and notes that it has been called.

sub third_sub 
    print "CALLED third_sub in MODULE MyFirstModule\n";

# what can and cannot be exported?

#our @STD = qw(first_sub second_sub);

our @EXPORT = qw(first_sub);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(second_sub);

# for GOOD STYLE, include this at the end of a module.
return 1;