CIS 480 - Perl in Depth - Class Coding Standards and
Style Guidelines
CIS 480 - Section 2
Perl in Depth
Fall 2004
Last modified: Wed Sep 29 21:02:01 PDT 2004
In general, it is expected that you learned the tenets of
basic, reasonable style in your previous programming courses.
This is, thus, not an exhaustive list. If you are not sure
if a practice you follow is good style, please ask!
What follows are a selection of points that I have noticed
in homeworks or that are Perl-specific. This list WILL be added
to during the semester; I will change the last-modified date
whenever it is updated.
Programs can lose points for poor style.
- when you open a filehandle in a script...
- ...explicitly indicate its purpose with
<, >, or >>, followed by a blank, before the
- are expected to explicitly close it within
that script, also.
- some style guidelines relating to subroutines :
- precede each subroutine with a brief block
comment summarizing what the subroutine does
(this is SEPARATE from the overall-script block
mentioned in the General Style section below).
- a subroutine should not, in general, use global
variables --- use arguments and lexical variables
(my variables) instead.
- "name" your parameters within a subroutine as was
was discussed in lecture and in the course reading.
- if a subroutine deliberately returns a value, it
should be returned using the keyword return in an
appropriate fashion.
- specify that warnings be turned on in the script's first
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
General style:
- for now, (starting with HW #3), begin each script with the following:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
###480-author: yourLastName
###480-scriptname: yourScriptName
...and then follow this with a block comment containing at least
a brief description of the script, your name, and the date that
you last modified that script.
- for each subroutine, precede it with a block comment that includes
at least a brief description of the purpose of that subroutine
- you should always include explanatory comments for
anything unusual or likely to be confusing or
- identifiers are expected to be descriptive
- curly braces are placed on their own line, not at the end of
a line. They are placed even with the beginning of the block
that they define. Thus, these all meet the course style
if ($name eq "George")
print "Hello, $name!\n";
sub whatever
# contents
- blank lines should be used between subroutines and
between logical sections of scripts for readability; however,
do not overuse blank lines, or it blunts their impact (and
do not put a blank line after EVERY line!)
- indentation is vital to readability.
- you are expected to indent by a large enough quantum that
your indentation is VISIBLE --- for this class, you must
indent by 4 or more spaces.
- once you decide on how much you are going to indent, you
are expected to consistently indent by that amount (not
indenting by 4 for one loop and 6 for the next, for example)
- bodies of blocks are *always* indented.
- if two statements are in sequence, they are indented
evenly with one another:
$first = $value;
&second($first); # sequentially follows $first = $value
if ($blah)
&action2(); # sequentially follows &action1()
&afterIfAction(); # sequentially follows if statement
- long lines should be continued on the next line, indented
by a reasonable/visible amount (this might be one indentation
quantum, or perhaps to line up with a quote or parenthesis in
the previous line, according to
your taste):
print "The rain in Spain stays mainly oh mainly oh so so mainly ",
"in the plain\n");
print "The rain in Spain stays mainly oh mainly oh so so mainly ",
"in the plain\n");
- Avoid very long lines --- what may look fine for you in
a tiny type and a large window may not look fine to someone
using a more-standard setting. I'll judge based on how it
looks in pine; so, when in doubt, look at how your
CC'd copy looks in pine!
- Indent each comment so that it is even with the line
directly following it:
# say what, don't mimic the code following
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