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// Contract: main: void -> int
// Purpose: print to the screen the profits for ticket prices between
//          $4 and $5, in dime increments;
// Examples: not applicable; it simply prints these profits for these
//           ticket prices to the screen.
// by: Sharon Tuttle
// last modified: 11-2-05

#include <iostream>
#include "profit.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << endl
         << "Profits for ticket prices between $4 and $5 (in dime increments)"
         << endl
         << "--------------------------------------------------------------"
         << endl;

    cout << "ticket_price" << "   " << "profit" << endl;
    cout << "------------" << "   " << "------" << endl;

    cout << "$" << 4.0 << "\t\t" << "$" << profit(4.0) << endl;
    cout << "$" << 4.1 << "\t\t" << "$" << profit(4.1) << endl;
    cout << "$" << 4.2 << "\t\t" << "$" << profit(4.2) << endl;
    cout << "$" << 4.3 << "\t\t" << "$" << profit(4.3) << endl;
    cout << "$" << 4.4 << "\t\t" << "$" << profit(4.4) << endl;
    cout << "$" << 4.5 << "\t\t" << "$" << profit(4.5) << endl;
    cout << "$" << 4.6 << "\t\t" << "$" << profit(4.6) << endl;
    cout << "$" << 4.7 << "\t\t" << "$" << profit(4.7) << endl;
    cout << "$" << 4.8 << "\t\t" << "$" << profit(4.8) << endl;
    cout << "$" << 4.9 << "\t\t" << "$" << profit(4.9) << endl;
    cout << "$" << 5.0 << "\t\t" << "$" << profit(5.0) << endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;