Occasional Python Examples List
CIS 480 - Section 4
Fall 2005
Last modified: Wed Dec 7 21:06:47 PST 2005
Important Note:
This is merely a selection of files and examples, most of which were
mentioned or used in the class sessions. It is not a comprehensive
list, nor are all class sessions included. Formatting is generally minimal.
- Week 15 Lecture, 12-06-05: intro to wxpython
- Week 14 Lecture, 11-29-05: intro to exception-handling in
- Week 13 Lecture, 11-15-05: intro to objects in Python
(and also Python system-defined names (e.g., __name__),
__doc__ and docstrings, help, names that begin with a
single underscore, and __name__ and __main__)
- Week 10 Lecture, 10-25-05: deeper into functions in Python
(and also using a dict to implement a multiway branch)
- lect10.py -
brief demo of how def really is an executable statement
- lect10_2.py -
using if-elif to implement a multiway branch
- lect10_3.py -
using a dict to implement a multiway branch
- lect10_4.py -
using a dict to implement a multiway branch, and the dict
method get to handle the default case
- lect10_5.py -
using a dict to implement a multiway branch, in which each
key's value is a function with the help of lambda
- Week 9 Lecture, 10-18-05: intro to regular expressions in Python
- Week 7 Lecture, 10-04-05: Wrap-up dicts and tuples, intro to file
input/output, simple interactive input
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Please send questions to
st10@humboldt.edu .