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Check functions isNumber and isInteger
by: Sharon Tuttle
last modified: 8-29-06
<title> js_ck_functs: check functions isNumber and isInteger </title>
<script type="text/javascript">
// returns true if value can be converted to a number using
// Number; returns false otherwise
// Examples: canValueBeNumber("13") == true
// canValueBeNumber("george") == false
function canValueBeNumber (value)
return !(isNaN( Number(value) ))
// returns true if value can be converted to an integer using
// Number; returns false otherwise
// Examples: canValueBeInteger("13") == true
// canValueBeInteger("13.7") == false
// canValueBeNumber("george") == false
function canValueBeInteger (value)
return canValueBeNumber(value) &&
(Number(value) == parseInt(value))
<h1> CIS 180 Checking-Functions Experiment </h1>
<h3> js_ck_functs.html </h3>
<h4> (by Sharon Tuttle, last modified 8-29-06) </h4>
<script type="text/javascript">
var input = prompt("Please enter something")
if (canValueBeNumber(input))
document.write(input + " is a number!<br>")
if (canValueBeInteger(input))
document.write(input + " is an integer!<br>")
if (!canValueBeNumber(input) && !canValueBeInteger(input))
document.write(input + " is neither integer nor number!<br>")
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