Please send questions to .

     by: Sharon Tuttle
     last modified: 09-05-06

    <title> js_loc1 </title>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function seeIfHappens(message)
            alert("Was seeIfHappens really called with " + message + "?!")

    <h3> js_loc1.html </h3>

    <h4> (adapted by Sharon Tuttle, last modified 09-05-06) </h4>


    <script type="text/javascript">

        // play: can we go to a new web page this way?
        var newURL = prompt("What URL shall we go to now?")
        window.location = newURL        

        <h3> Your browser does not support JavaScript, or has it disabled;
             please note that, as a result, this page will not work. </h3> 

