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// Date examples -
// typed into the W3Schools JavaScript School Examples window
// during class on 9-7-06 (edited slightly afterwards before
// posting)
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Hello Date examples!")
var today = new Date()
document.write("<br>", today)
// getDay returns 0->Sunday, 1->Monday...
document.write("<br>", today.getDay())
var days = ["Su", "M", "Tu", "W",
"Th", "F", "Sa"]
document.write("<br>", days[ today.getDay() ])
// getMonth returns 0->January, ...
document.write("<br>", today.getMonth())
document.write("<br>", today.getFullYear())
var indep = new Date("July 4, 1776")
document.write("<br>", indep)
var indep2 = new Date("July 4, 1776 19:05:20")
document.write("<br>", indep2)
var indep3 = new Date(1776, 6, 4)
document.write("<br>", indep3)