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// Math examples - 
//    typed into the W3Schools JavaScript School Examples window
//    during class on 9-7-06 (edited slightly afterwards before
//    posting)

<script type="text/javascript">

    document.write("<br> Math.PI: ", Math.PI)
    document.write("<br>Math.E: ", Math.E)
    document.write("<br> Math.SQRT2: ", Math.SQRT2)
    document.write("<br> Math.SQRT47: ", Math.SQRT47)
    document.write("<br> Math.sqrt(2): ", Math.sqrt(2))
    document.write("<br> Math.sqrt(6): ", Math.sqrt(6))

    // Math.random returns a value between  0 to 1
    //     (probably >= 0 and < 1)
    document.write("<br> Math.random(): ", Math.random())

    // print out 6 random numbers in the range [1 .. 10]

    document.write("<br><br> 6 random numbers in the range [1 .. 10]: ")
    for (var i=0; i < 6; i++)
        document.write("<br>", (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1))

    document.write("<br> Math.min(3, 1, 8): ", Math.min(3, 1, 8))
    document.write("<br> Math.max(3, 1, 8): ", Math.max(3, 1, 8))
    document.write("<br> Math.ceil(2.3): ", Math.ceil(2.3))
    document.write("<br> Math.floor(2.6): ", Math.floor(2.6))
    document.write("<br> Math.round(2.5): ", Math.round(2.5))
    document.write("<br> Math.round(2.499): ", Math.round(2.499))

