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* <form> HTML tag syntax...
<form> .. </form>
* and can have <input> tags representing components like
buttons, text boxes, checkboxes, etc.
* for example --- consider a simple button
* its tag (for example):
<input type="button" value="button label"
onclick="what you wanna do">
* simple example: js_form1.html
* some important form attributes:
* name attribute - lets you access this form by that
name --- e.g.
<form name="george">
... then refers to this form object
* (if you don't give it a name, you can still "reach" it
via the document object's forms property...
e.g., document.forms[0] would be a document's first form
* and remember the JavaScript array length property...
document.forms.length would be the number of form
objects in this document!
* action attribute: is used to specify a URL to take
appropriate action when a form is submitted
* this action attribute's value can be a:
* URL referencing a server-side script
* when the form is submitted, this server-side
script will do what it is designed to do
with the form's data
* e.g.:
<form action="/cgi-bin/handleForm.cgi">
* mailto URL
* when the form is submitted, the form data
will be mailed to the address given in mailto
* e.g.:
<form action="">
* or a "plain" URL
* when the form is submitted, you just go to that
* e.g.:
<form action="">
* method attribute: specifies how the form data is to be
sent to the server; exactly 2 "legal" values of this
attribute: "post" or "get"
* "post" is preferred -- form data is sent SEPARATELY
from the call to the server-side script
(less likely to be truncated or otherwise cut off)
* with "get", the form data is concatenated to the
end of the URL, and so sometimes gets cut off...
BUT: can be handy during testing, to see what's
being sent --- we'll use it in that vein in our
(USUALLY, THOUGH --- USE "post"!!)
* URL encoding: how the form data is formatted by the browser
to send to the server
* each form element's name is paired with that form element's
value, in a name=value pair
* AND these name=value pairs are separated by &
* AND spaces in the input are replaced with +
* AND special characters are replaced with their ASCII
hexadecimal equivalents preceded by a %
* example: play with js_form2.html
* a text box: <input> whose type attribute is "text",
* name attribute names this text box (for easy JavaScript
and server-side reference later)
* size attribute: how wide it appears on-screen
* maxlength attribute: how many characters the user can type
into it
* value attribute: what initially shows in the text box
* when a form has multiple input elements (or, really, for any
form that transmitting data), you probably ALSO want:
* a submit button (another <input> element)
* a reset button (another <input> element)
* THEN, the <form> can contain event handler attributes
onsubmit and onreset to specify WHAT happens when the
submit button is clicked and the reset button is clicked,
* submit button: it causes the data of its form to be submitted
to the URL given in the form's action attribute
* <input> tag with a type attribute of "submit"
* value attribute is the text you want to appear on the
button --- if no value attribute, it will show "Submit Query"
* usually don't have a name attribute, unless a form
has multiple submit buttons...
* reset button: causes the data of its form to be cleared,
or reset (to their initial values)
* <input> tag with a type attribute of "reset"
* value attribute is the text you want to appear on the
button --- if no value attribute, it will show "Reset"
* usually don't have a name attribute
* these pieces are added to js_form4.html
* js_form5.html is going to show use of the FORM tag's
onsubmit and onreset event handler attributes...
* js_form6.html shows use of onsubmit to do simple form
validation, and onreset to make sure the user wants to
clear the form;
* to DO this, have an action of "return funct_to_call()"
instead of just a JavaScript function call;
then, if funct_to_call() returns true, it PROCEEDS
with the submit or reset,
BUT if it returns false, it ABORTS the submit or reset
* (note: function called needs to have a return
something! (have a return statement))
* this - refers to the current object --- inside of a form
tag, then, this would mean that form