Please send questions to .
adapted from example in:
a JavaScript tutorial from
adapted by: Sharon Tuttle
last modified: 09-14-06
<title> js_nav1 </title>
<h3> js_nav1.html </h3>
<h3> ADAPTED from example in: <br>, <br>
a JavaScript tutorial from <h3>
<h4> (adapted by Sharon Tuttle, last modified 09-14-06) </h4>
<script type="text/javascript">
var browser = navigator.appName
var browser_version = navigator.appVersion
// interesting feature of parseFloat: if a number is "inside" a
// larger string, it grabs the first thing that looks like a
// number to it and returns that...!
var version_num = parseFloat(browser_version)
<h3> Your browser does not support JavaScript, or has it disabled;
please note that, as a result, this page will not work. </h3>
<h1> Some browser information: </h1>
<!-- table example, to show 1 way to "structure" output more
attractively in HTML... -->
<tr> <th> Browser name: </th>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td>", browser, " </td>")
<tr> <th> Browser version: </th>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td>", browser_version, " </td>")
<tr> <th> Version number: </th>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td>", version_num, " </td>")