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PHP and web forms - part 2

*   references: "Learning PHP 5", David Sklar, O'Reilly, Chapter 6
                    (and a little from Chapter 2)
                HTML Tutorial at

*   a PHP feature convenient when creating a web form using PHP:

    a here document

*   we've discussed two ways of writing a string:

    "Howdy"   <- double-quotes method
    'Howdy'   <- single-quotes method


        $greeting = "Howdy";

        print "$greeting";   // will print out Howdy
        print '$greeting';   // will print out $greeting

*   a here document is ANOTHER way to write a string:

test you want
as much as you want
and variables ARE interpolated (replaces with their values)

    *   everything BETWEEN the <<<LABEL and the ending LABEL
        are the contents of the string;

    *   (note: you choose LABEL --- that's not literally a keyword;)

    *   traditional/good PHP "style" to write this here document label
        in all-uppercase

    *   the ending LABEL must be on its OWN line;
        can't be indented, can only have a semicolon after it (if
        it's within a statement, such as a print or echo...

    *   convenient for boilerplate (such as a bunch of HTML) with
        just some PHP variable values inserted...

    *   example: try_here_doc.php

*   adding some more HTML form components...

*   reset button -

    *   to set that form's components to their original values/states

    *   another <input> component, but the type is "reset"

    *   can we add this to try_here_doc.php, as a demo? yes, we can;

    *   perhaps also add it to another_form2.html (to show how, when
        reset and a text field had an initial value, it goes BACK to 
        that initial value, NOT to blank...)

*   radio buttons - a set of often-round items where only one can
    be chosen

    *   another component that uses the <input> tag
    *   type attribute's value: "radio"

    *   if one of the radion buttons has an attribute checked with
        value "checked", that will be the one initially shown as

    *   all the radio buttons that are a logical unit should have
        the same value for their name attribute;

        ...and each then has a different value attribute value;

    *   then, when the form is submitted, the pair sent is the

    *   see: try_radio1.html and ice_cream_survey.php

*   next: checkboxes

    *   yet another <input> tag component

    *   type attribute value: "checkbox"

    *   name attribute will be the name passed to the server...

    *   checked attribute of "checked" if you'd like the checkbox
        to initially show up as selected/checked

    *   when submitted, only send name/value pairs for CHECKED 
        checkboxes, and the values for those is on

    *   example: try_checkbox1.html and form_echo.php

*   now, drop-down box

    *   done in HTML with a <select> tag (NOT an <input> tag!)

    *   basic syntax:

        <select name="value-of-your-choice">
            <option value="value-sent"> what-shows-in-drop-down </option>
            <option value="value-sent"> what-shows-in-drop-down </option>
            <option value="value-sent" selected="selected">
                what-shows-initially-on-top </option>
            <option value="value-sent"> what-shows-in-drop-down </option>

    *   when form is submitted, name sent is the select tag's name attribute
        value, and the value sent is the value attribute's value for
        the option selected at that point;

    *   try_select1.html and choc_survey.php

*   finally (last in our intro): text area

    *   it has its own tag: <textarea>

    *   the name attribute is the usual, the name for this text area;

    *   rows attribute: how many rows of text are visible

    *   cols attribute: how many characters of text (across) are visible

    *   and if you want initial text to appear, you can put it between
        the <textarea> and </textarea> (opening and closing tags)

    *   when submitted, sends the name as the textarea's name, and the
        text within the textarea box as its value...

    *   example: try_textarea1.html, and comments_survey.php

*   ...which brings up a problem:

    consider try_textarea1.html and comments_survey.php. 
    comments_survey.php is AWFULLY trusting!!! [or, it WAS, until
       we changed it below --- I don't feel comfortable posting the
       original version! it simply did:

       print $_POST["comments"]; just print[ed] out whatever the user sends!!

    ...and if that happens to include HTML or JavaScript,
    the browser might just display it/do it;

    *   that's cross-site scripting; when the user (for example, in a form)
        enters text that is executable and is sent on as the response and
        possibly executed;

    *   (consider: a "guestbook" where users post messages that others
        can come to the site and see ---

        what if a guest inserts code? next user might be redirected,
        or some such mischief;)

    *   solution? "Learning PHP 5", Sklar, Chapter 6:
        "never display unmodified external input"

        ...don't TRUST that all users are benign... 8-)

    *   two useful PHP tools for this:

        strip_tags($str) - this function returns a string with any
                           any HTML tags removed from its
                           argument string $str

        htmlentities($str) -this function returns a string with 
                            characters special to HTML
                            in argument string $str encoded

                            (replace < with <
                                     >      >
                                     &      &
                                     "      " )

    *   let's adapt comments_survey.php to do these! [done]

    *   Another quote from "Learning PHP 5", Sklar, Ch. 6:

        "In most applications, you should use htmlentities() to
        sanitize external input."

*   functions ARE your friend in processing forms in PHP;

    (make a validate function, make a handle_form function, etc.!)

*   PHP is often used to validate form data, also: here's a few tidbits
    in that direction:

    *   function strlen() lets you test the length of a value;

        *   you can use this, then, to see if a required text element
            has had a value filled in, for example;

        *   if (strlen($_POST['zip']) == 0)
                // complaint about the lack of a zip code

        *   note: might be more polite to build a SET of error
            messages for a given form, and then show ALL to the user
            in some readable fashion as the form response for an

            $problems[] = "You must enter a zip";

    *   functions intval(), floatval(), and strval() can be used to help 
        see if an integer or a floating point number
        has been entered;

        *   intval($blah) returns the integer inside string $blah, discarding
            anything extraneous;

        *   floatval($blah) retursn the floating point number inside
            stringn $blah, discarding anything extraneous;

        *   strval($blah) converts the cleaned-up number back into a string!
            (so comparison with what's in $_POST works as we'd like...!)

        *   that is,

            if ($_POST["quantity"] != strval( intval ($_POST["age"])))
                // complain about a "funny" value for quantity
    *   what if blanks are involved, possibly?

        *   function trim() removes leading and trailing whitespace;

        *   nice combo: is to use this with strlen() to make sure 
            a field of just blanks is treated as empty...

            if (strlen (trim($_POST['last_name'])) == 0)
                // complain that blanks aren't enough...

        *   what if you'd like to strip the blanks at, say, the beginning
            of your processing?

   can change the value in $_POST or $_GET, and it'll
            stay changed throughout your PHP page... (even if you're in
            a function within that page) --- $_POST and $_GET are auto-global

            $_POST["last_name"] = trim( $_POST["last_name"] );