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<!-- datetime1.php
     adapted from example from Chapter 9 of "Learning PHP 5", by
         David Sklar, published by O'Reilly
     adapted by: Sharon Tuttle
     last modified: 11-28-06

    <title> playing with PHP date and time handling - 1 </title>

    <h2> playing with PHP date and time handling - 1 </h2>    

        // date's first argument is a required format string, that
        //     specifies the format of the timestamp returned.
        // (its second optional argument is the timestamp desired;
        //     if not given, the current timestamp is assumed)
	// does format 'r' mean raw?

        print "<h3> ";

        print "date('r') says:  ";
        print date('r');

        print "<br><br>\n";

        // strftime's first argument is also required, and also specifies
        //     how the date/time should be formatted;
        // (and its second optional argument is also the timestamp
        //     desired, also assuming the current timestamp if none
	//     is given)
        // does format '%c' mean complete?

        print "strftime('%c') says:  ";
        print strftime('%c');

        print " </h3>\n";

