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<!-- datetime5.php
     adapted from example from Chapter 9 of "Learning PHP 5", by
         David Sklar, published by O'Reilly
     adapted by: Sharon Tuttle
     last modified: 11-28-06

    <title> playing with PHP date and time handling - 5 </title>

    <h2> playing with PHP date and time handling - 5 </h2>    



        $now = time(); 
        $later = strtotime('Thursday', $now); 
        $before = strtotime('last thursday', $now); 
        print strftime("now: %c <br>\n", $now); 
        print strftime("later: %c <br>\n", $later); 
        print strftime("before: %c <br>\n", $before); 

        print " </h3>\n";

