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* finally - PHP and mySQL! (a little anyway)
* a few caveats:
* our mysql accounts are on sorrel
rather than redwood (and so are an older version of mysql);
* the way this mysql is currently set up, we have to use
PHP on sorrel to do so, which is also an older version;
* note that there are MULTIPLE ways to connect to a mysql
database from PHP! This is the *simplest* way...
(there are also object-oriented ways, more "modern"
ways, and ways using packages such as PEAR which would
be the same for a variety of databases)
* the method used here is also used in W3Schools PHP tutorial,
in its mysql subsection:
* SO: first of all: how do you reach your mysql account on sorrel?
* username: your campus username
* password: username reversed + 2
* in mysql, you need to connect to mysql, and then select the
database within mysql that you wish to use;
* you have been given authorization (by the mysql administrators)
to select the database whose name is the same as your username;
* SO: here are the 1st 3 important commands for the simple approach
of connecting from php to mysql:
1. connect to mysql:
$con = mysql_connect("localhost", $username, $password);
2. and select the database within mysql you want to use:
(since its the same as the username, we can take advantage
of that here...)
3. and be sure to CLOSE your connection when you are done!!
* a useful PHP construct to mention:
action or die("message to show if dies");
@mysql_select_db($username) or die("Unable to select database");
(@ above means, don't just stop and give error if an error occurs...)
* SO: if I cannot select the desired database, stop this script
and output "Unable to select database"
* try_mysql0.php
* (note: mysql_error() can be used at times to obtain a message
if an error has occurred...)
* TRY that (
and if you see:
... THEN all is well!
* NOW: you need a table.
so, let's create one: pets
column: pet_id -- to be the primary key, to uniquely
identify a pet.
* int is one kind of integer in mysql
* if I want a column to be used as primary key, I need
to declare it as "not null", also (cannot be empty)
column: pet_name, the name of the pet, say up to 15 characters
* mysql does have a varchar type --- varchar(15), that would
be up to 15 characters
column: pet_birth - date of birth
* mysql does have a date type --- you can express a date literal
column: num_siblings - an int
SO: a SQL create statement that ought to work in mysql could be:
create table pets
(pet_id int not null,
pet_name varchar(15),
pet_birth date,
num_siblings int,
primary key (pet_id));
* how can I run a SQL command that doesn't happen to return
results I need to look at?
mysql_query( $desired_command, $con );
(can use "or die" option with this --- it'll "return" a
false value if it fails, if you'd like to check and complain
in that case...)
* try_mysql1.php: to create this table
* (note: you can't create two tables with the same name in the
same database --- so if you run try_mysql1.php twice, and it
works the first time and complains the second --- that's good!
Hopefully it means you have a pets table!!
* Let's insert some pet info...
insert into pets
(1, 'Fluffy', '2005-11-16', 8);
...but can we do it via a form?
* And: how can we query this data?
Here is one of several possible approaches:
still use mysql_query --- BUT now you make sure to GRAB the
large structure that is returned!
$results = mysql_query( $select_stmt, $con );
mysql_numrows($results) would return HOW MANY ROWS are in the result
$row = mysql_fetch_array($results)
... which, when called repeatedly, sets $row to each row within
$results, BUT returns that row as an array whose keys
are the column names... (OR whatever was in the 1st
line of the select statement ... for select *, it would
the column names.)
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results))
... $row['desired_column'] ...
* let's try this: try_mysql3.php
* (and you can see how setting up a series of pages with sessions
would make this more convenient for the user than typing their
username and password for every single action... 8-) )