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<!-- files3.php
     by: Sharon Tuttle
     last modified: 12-05-06

    <title> playing with PHP and files - 3 </title>

    <h2> playing with PHP and files - 3 </h2>    

        print "About to open lines_to_show.txt<br><br>\n";

        $fileHandle = fopen("lines_to_show.txt", "r")
	    or exit("Cannot open lines_to_show.txt<br>\n");

        $charsInLine = 0;

        // print out all of the alpha characters, ONLY, from
	//    lines_to_show.txt, 80 characters per line...

	while (! feof( $fileHandle ) )
	    $nextchar = fgetc( $fileHandle );

            // ctype_alpha ( ) returns true if all the characters in
            //    the string passed to it are alphabetic

            if ( ctype_alpha( $nextchar ) )
                print $nextchar;

                if ($charsInLine == 80)
                    print "<br>\n";
                    $charsInLine = 0;
        print "<br>\n";

        // remember to close file when you are done!

