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PHP and Files...
* how? well, PHP is server-side -- it can read/write files on
the server side (with some limitations/issues, as we'll discuss)
* Two sources/references:
W3Schools PHP tutorial has a bit on file commands
Sklar's "Learning PHP 5", Chapter 10: Working with Files
* FIRST: how do you OPEN a file in PHP?
with a function, fopen
* fopen takes 2 arguments:
* a string representing the name of the file to be opened
* a string representing the mode -- WHAT action you plan
to do to the opened file
* fopen returns a "thing" --- in some languages you'd call
it a file, in some languages you'd call it a stream, in
some languages you'd call it a file handle ---
but you then USE this "thing" to be able to act on the
opened file.
(I'll use the term "file handle" for the rest of tonight)
* what if fopen FAILS? it happens to return 0 (which can
be interpreted by PHP as false in an if, or a while,
or a for, or an "x or exit" or "x or die" construct)
* AND: as you use this file handle, it maintains a pointer/
cursor/something keeping track of WHERE you currently are
within the file...
(and this pointer/cursor is moved by file functions, as we'll
* What are some of the available modes for fopen?
"r" - reading - and starts with the pointer/cursor pointing
at the beginning of the file
"r+" - reading/writing [yes, both?!] - and starts with the pointer
/cursor pointing at the beginning of the file
"w" - write only. Opens and CLEARS CONTENTS of file (yes, the
current contents are NUKED and GONE!) - and if the file
doesn't exist, a new file is created (and pointer/cursor
is ready to write at the beginning)
"w+" - reading/writing [yes, both?!] - BUT opens AND CLEARS CONTENTS
of file, and if the file doesn't exist, a new file is
created (and pointer/cursor is ready to write/read at the
"a" - appending. Opens the file, sets pointer/cursor to the
end of the current contents, ready to write at the end;
and if the file doesn't exist, a new file is created
(and pointer/cursor is ready to write at the beginning)
"x" - writing, BUT it creates a new file, and returns false
AND an error if the file happens to exist
"x+" - reading/writing, BUT it creates a new file, and returns false
AND an error if the file happens to exist
* and what thou OPENS, thou should CLOSE ---
fclose should be used to close a file handle you have opened with
fopen ---
it takes the file handle as argument;
$fileHandle = fopen("myFile.txt", "r") or exit("Oh no! couldn't open!");
fclose( $fileHandle );
* a first (very simple) example: files1.php
* now that it is OPENED for reading (or whatever) --- what are some
of my options for doing things with it?
fgets - lets you grab a single line from a file
* its argument: the file handle that allows reading
* it returns the current line as a string,
and it moves the pointer/cursor to the next line
* but --- how do you know when to stop?
feof - lets you know if the pointer/cursor is at the end-of-file
* its argument: the file handle
* returns true if you're at the end of file for that file handle
* SO: note that these can be used in a classic "loopy" way to walk
through the lines of a file:
$fileHandle = fopen("myFile.html", "r")
or exit("Cannot open myFile.html");
while (! feof( $fileHandle ) )
$nextline = fgets( $fileHandle );
print "<h1> $nextline </h1>\n";
* see example files2.php
* NOTE: it is the PHP interpreter running your script, not "you" ---
it runs with its permissions, not yours.
moral: the file to be read needs to be world-readable for
the PHP interpreter to read it, even using "your" script
for "your" file
(had to:
redwood> chmod 644 lines_to_show.txt
...for it to be read by files2.php)
* aside:
trim($str) returns a new string version of $str with leading
and trailing blanks removed
strlen($str) returns the length of $str
* fgetc( ) - returns the next character, moves the pointer-cursor to
the next character
(isn't that really a string of length 1 in PHP? I'm not sure)
* could use for a filtering operation, for example
* files3.php seeks to print out ONLY the alphabetic characters
in lines_to_show.txt, 80 characters a line
* aside:
ctype_alpha - returns true if the passed string is all
alphabetic characters
* INTERESTING NOTE: fopen can take a URL, and request that page
and your code can simply treat what's opened as just another
file handle!!
(even though it is essentially acting like a browser request
of a page, right?)
but you can fopen it, then read it, filter it, display all
or part of it, your choice! (using fgetc, fgetc)
* for this feature to work, the configuration directive
allow_url_fopen must be ENABLED
(it IS for redwood --- check using phpinfo( ),
as you can see in )
* see example files4.php
* SO - a few words about writing...
...for a PHP script to WRITE to a file --- that file would
have to world-writable;
(to create a file --- would the directory have to be world-writable?)
* NOTE that sometimes system administrators will make special
directories for such writing and creation, for a bit
more protection...
* I'll note:
fwrite($fileHandle, $text) will write $text to the file handle
* files5.php?
aside: file_get_contents($filestring) will open the $filestring
file, and return a string with that file's contents
in one fell swoop!!
* note that I had to create logFile.txt and make it world-writable
for this script to work...
* this works, but I've now made logFile.txt NOT world-writable
for the sake of my redwood file quota... 8-)
* screen scraping: a term Sklar uses for reading from a remote URL
and slicing out what you want from it;
* can be fragile - can you count on the format of the page you're
grabbing from?
(regular expressions can make this more robust...)
* is it legal/ethical? depends on the page you're grabbing from!
if ISN'T in public domain, you probably need permission
to incorporate another site's content into your own...
be careful/ethical, and check!
* a few additional comments, for your consideration/future personal
* there are some PHP tools for dealing specifically with CSV files...
* file_exists($str) lets you see if a file named $str exists
* file_put_contents("$filename", "$str") lets you write "$str" to a
a file $filename
* is_readable($str) lets you see if a file named $str is readable
* is_writable($str) lets you see if a file named $str is writable
* sometimes a global variable $php_errormsg will contain
additional info when a PHP error has occurred (including file-related
* AND there are tools/techniques for "sanitizing" externally-provided
filenames a USER provides --- use such techniques in those