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[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341)] on darwin
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>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append("/Users/smtuttle/Humboldt/to-back-up/f06cis180py/180py_lectures/180py_lect08")
>>> # you can insert documentation into a module
>>> # so that certain Python tools will display
>>> # it on request...
>>> # PyDoc is the tool that does this;
>>> # it is used by the help() function inside a
>>> # Python interpreter,
>>> # and by pydoc at the command line,
>>> # (and I think more, also)
>>> # SO -- where do you put info so PyDoc will find it?
>>> # if you put a string as the first executable line
>>> # in a file/module --- that will be considered the
>>> # docstring for that module;
>>> # IF you put a string as the first executable line in
>>> # a function --- that will be considered the
>>> # docstring for that function
>>> # so - consider revised version of (posted along with
# this session)
>>> # let's import it
>>> import lect07
>>> # now: help(lect07), I'll see a nicely-formatted page
>>> # making use of those docstrings I've added to
>>> help(lect07)
Help on module lect07:
contains examples of functions making use of file input/output
shows to the screen a simple ASCII horizontal "bar chart" of
all of the letters within file <input_name>
pig_latin_file(input_name, output_name)
write pig-latin versions of all the lines of file <input_name>
into file <output_name> - nukes any previous contents of
>>> # I can also use help with a function name to see the
>>> # docstring for that function (if it exists)
>>> help(lect07.pig_latin_file)
Help on function pig_latin_file in module lect07:
pig_latin_file(input_name, output_name)
write pig-latin versions of all the lines of file <input_name>
into file <output_name> - nukes any previous contents of
>>> help(lect07.letter_freq_file)
Help on function letter_freq_file in module lect07:
shows to the screen a simple ASCII horizontal "bar chart" of
all of the letters within file <input_name>
>>> # even with no docstrings, you can still see what functions are
>>> # in a module pretty nicely with help function...
>>> # (but this looks better if you use descriptive parameter names! 8-) )
>>> import hw4
>>> help(hw4)
Help on module hw4:
# by: Sharon Tuttle
# last modified: 10-10-06
>>> # pydoc
>>> # ...will give you a PyDoc description of your file
>>> # outside of the python interpreter, also
>>> # TOPIC #2 - intro to EXCEPTIONS in Python
>>> # We know that we get errors when we do inappropriate
>>> # things in Python...
>>> 3 + 'harry'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#48>", line 1, in <module>
3 + 'harry'
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
>>> # when Python detects an error at run-time, it raises
>>> # exception --- above, a TypeError exception was raised
>>> # above, you see the default exception handling behavior...
>>> # (the program stops, an error message is printed)
>>> # BUT - what if you'd like to do something DIFFERENT for
>>> # a particular exception?
>>> # you can:
>>> # * wrap the statement that might raise an exception
>>> # in a try-statement;
>>> # * use the except: part of the try statement to then
>>> # say what to do if a particular exception is raised
>>> # in the wrapped statements...
>>> def fetcher(obj, index):
return obj[index]
>>> food = 'spam'
>>> fetcher(food, 2)
>>> fetcher(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], 2)
>>> fetcher({'a':4, 'b':5}, 'b')
>>> fetcher(2, 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#73>", line 1, in <module>
fetcher(2, 3)
File "<pyshell#68>", line 2, in fetcher
return obj[index]
TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable
>>> fetcher(food, 27)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#74>", line 1, in <module>
fetcher(food, 27)
File "<pyshell#68>", line 2, in fetcher
return obj[index]
IndexError: string index out of range
>>> try:
fetcher(food, 27)
except IndexError:
print "Hey! I got an Index Error!"
Hey! I got an Index Error!
>>> try:
fetcher(food, 27)
except TypeError:
print "Hey! I got a Type Error!"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#85>", line 2, in <module>
fetcher(food, 27)
File "<pyshell#68>", line 2, in fetcher
return obj[index]
IndexError: string index out of range
>>> def nicerFetch(item, index):
return fetcher(item, index)
except TypeError:
print "Hey! I got a Type Error!"
except IndexError:
print "Hey! I got an Index Error!"
>>> nicerFetch(food, 1)
>>> nicerFetch(food, 27)
Hey! I got an Index Error!
>>> nicerFetch(2, 3)
Hey! I got a Type Error!
>>> value = nicerFetch(food, 1)
>>> value
>>> value = nicerFetch(food, 27)
Hey! I got an Index Error!
>>> value
>>> value = nicerFetch(2, 3)
Hey! I got a Type Error!
>>> value
>>> # hey - notice a Python function can return different
>>> # types for different arguments...!
>>> def sillyExample(value):
if (type(value) == str):
return "ok"
elif type(value) == int:
return 1
elif type(value) == bool:
return True
>>> sillyExample(1)
>>> sillyExample("howdy")
>>> sillyExample(True)
>>> sillyExample([1, 2, 3])
>>> # side point: Python doesn't have a case or switch
>>> # statement; doesn't feel it needs it, with
>>> # if/elif and dictionary tricks...
>>> branch = {'spam':1.25,
'ham': 0.99,
'chocolate': 3.25}
>>> print branch.get('spam', 'No good')
>>> def orderCost():
item = raw_input("What food would you like? ")
cost = branch.get(item, "Bad choice!")
return cost
>>> orderCost()
What food would you like? spam
>>> orderCost()
What food would you like? chocolate
>>> orderCost()
What food would you like? Quince
'Bad choice!'
>>> # back to exceptions:
>>> # you can RAISE an exception with a raise command:
>>> bad = 'uh oh'
>>> try:
raise bad
except bad:
print 'got bad'
Warning (from warnings module):
File "__main__", line 2
DeprecationWarning: raising a string exception is deprecated
got bad
>>> # (oops - may want to look up setting a "real" exception
>>> # value)
>>> type(TypeError)
<type 'type'>
>>> def looky(val):
if val == 3:
raise IndexError
print "Howdy"
>>> looky(4)
>>> looky("the rain in spain")
>>> looky(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#174>", line 1, in <module>
File "<pyshell#171>", line 3, in looky
raise IndexError
>>> # there are MORE options to go with a try-block
>>> # than just except (except with diff #'s of values,
>>> # finally, else... see Python documentation for more
>>> # a few more words about modules...
>>> # * module is the highest-level program organization
>>> # unit in Python ("Learning Python", p. 248)
>>> # * really/fundamentally - a module is a collection of
>>> # names!!
>>> # * (we know already) - import lets us fetch a module
>>> # as a whole...
>>> # WHEN you import a module ---
>>> # * python FINDS it,
>>> # * if there's no .pyc for it, it COMPILES it
>>> # * runs the module's byte code to build its objects
>>> # why don't you put a suffix in the import?
>>> # ...that's on purpose!
>>> # * because it MIGHT be .py or .pyc
>>> # * for package imports, there might no suffix;
>>> # * C extension module has another suffix
>>> # * a Java class in Jython would another,
>>> # * a zip file component would have enother
>>> # * (see "Learning Python", p. 254 for more on this
>>> # if you'd like)
>>> # that first import step for a module -
>>> # "python FINDS it" -- isl, of course, a tale by
>>> # itself;
>>> # note: you CAN'T put path information IN the import
>>> # statement... BUT,
>>> # it will BUILD a search path... to look for it;
>>> # 1. the home directory of the top-level file
>>> # 2. PYTHONPATH directories (if set)
>>> # 3. standard library directories
>>> # 4. the contents of any .pth files (if present)
>>> # (a text file that lists, 1 per line, additional
>>> # directories to search - this text file's name
>>> # ends in .pth)
>>> # takes the CONCATENATION of all of these paths, and
>>> # creates: a list, named sys.path!
>>> # if you really want to know - at any time - where python
>>> # is looking for stuff - look at sys.path!
>>> # (but import sys first - I happened to have done it at the beginning
>>> # of this session...)
>>> sys.path
['/Users/smtuttle/Documents', '/Applications/MacPython 2.5/', '/Applications/MacPython 2.5/', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/plat-darwin', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/plat-mac', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/lib-tk', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages', '/Users/smtuttle/Humboldt/to-back-up/f06cis180py/180py_lectures/180py_lect08']
>>> # a prettier way to look at sys.path's paths...
>>> for item in sys.path:
print item
/Applications/MacPython 2.5/
/Applications/MacPython 2.5/
>>> # AHA - there is a way to RE-import a module already imported,
>>> # if you need to do so (and perhaps don't want to take down a
>>> # running system) --- the reload function
>>> # first, demonstrate the reason why... originally just has
>>> # a greeting variable:
>>> import tryMe
>>> help(tryMe)
Help on module tryMe:
greeting = 'Hello'
>>> # In another window, I add a farewell variable. But, as you see below,
>>> # importing again has no effect (Python notes it is already loaded,
>>> # and does nothing...)
>>> import tryMe
>>> help(tryMe)
Help on module tryMe:
greeting = 'Hello'
>>> # the reload function WILL force an already-loaded
>>> # module's code to be REloaded and RErun
>>> reload(tryMe)
<module 'tryMe' from '/Users/smtuttle/Humboldt/to-back-up/f06cis180py/180py_lectures/180py_lect08/'>
>>> # NOW can we see tryMe's new greeting variable? Yes!
>>> help(tryMe)
Help on module tryMe:
farewell = 'Au revoir'
greeting = 'Hello'
# yes, the return value here IS a little interesting... 8-)
>>> value = reload(tryMe)
>>> value
<module 'tryMe' from '/Users/smtuttle/Humboldt/to-back-up/f06cis180py/180py_lectures/180py_lect08/tryMe.pyc'>