Please send questions to .

''' - playing with easygui, built atop Tkinter
(note that I wimped out and just put the downloaded
in the same directory as this example). This variant saves the
choices made in a local file ice_cream_prefs.txt.

(note that this example is adapted from:

adapted by: Sharon Tuttle
last modified: 10-26-06

from easygui import *
import sys

resultsFile = open("ice_cream_prefs.txt", 'a')

while 1:
    msgbox("Hello, EasyGui world! - now with file results")

    msg = "What is your favorite flavor?"
    title = "Ice Cream Survey"
    choices = ["Vanilla", "Chocolate", "Strawberry", "Spam", "Rocky Road"]
    choice = choicebox(msg, title, choices)

    # note that we convert choice to string, in case the user
    #    cancelled the choice and we got None

    resultsFile.write(str(choice) + "\n");

    msgbox("You chose: " + str(choice), "Survey Result")

    msg = "Do you want to continue?"
    title = "Please Confirm"

    #   show a confirm/cancel dialog

    if ccbox(msg, title):  
        pass         # user chose Continue

        sys.exit(0)  # user chose Cancel