Please send questions to .
problem 2-1

---- --------------- --------------- -------- ----------------- ---             
7777 Feta            Frank           777-7777                 0 500             
2222 Beta            Bob             222-2222               1.2 200             
6666 Epsilon         Emma            666-6666               2.1 400             
9999 Harpo           Harry           999-9999               3.3 100             
4444 Delta           David           222-2222               3.4 400             
3333 Carlos          Ann             333-3333               3.8 300             
8888 Greta           Gail            888-8888               4.4 200             
1111 Alpha           Ann             111-1111               4.9 100             
5555 Beta            Edie            555-5555                 5                 

9 rows selected.

---- --------------- --------------- -------- ----------------- ---             
5555 Beta            Edie            555-5555                 5                 
1111 Alpha           Ann             111-1111               4.9 100             
8888 Greta           Gail            888-8888               4.4 200             
3333 Carlos          Ann             333-3333               3.8 300             
4444 Delta           David           222-2222               3.4 400             
9999 Harpo           Harry           999-9999               3.3 100             
6666 Epsilon         Emma            666-6666               2.1 400             
2222 Beta            Bob             222-2222               1.2 200             
7777 Feta            Frank           777-7777                 0 500             

9 rows selected.

problem 2-2

Rating: Movie                                                                   
A: Clockwork Orange                                                             
A: Midnight Cowboy                                                              
G: All About Eve                                                                
G: Babe                                                                         
G: Gone with the Wind                                                           
G: It's a Wonderful Life                                                        
G: The Muppet Movie                                                             
G: The Philadelphia Story                                                       
G: Toy Story                                                                    
G: Toy Story 2                                                                  
PG: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom                                        

Rating: Movie                                                                   
PG: Return of the Jedi                                                          
PG: Star Wars                                                                   
PG: The Empire Strikes Back                                                     
PG: The Phantom Menace                                                          
PG-13: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade                                       
R: Fatal Attraction                                                             
R: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest                                              
R: The Blues Brothers                                                           
R: The Matrix                                                                   

20 rows selected.

problem 2-3

CATEGORY_N MOVIE_TITLE                              MOVIE                       
---------- ---------------------------------------- -----                       
Comedy     The Blues Brothers                       R                           
Action     Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom     PG                          
Action     Return of the Jedi                       PG                          
Action     Star Wars                                PG                          
Action     The Empire Strikes Back                  PG                          
Action     The Phantom Menace                       PG                          
Action     Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade       PG-13                       
Action     The Matrix                               R                           
Drama      Clockwork Orange                         A                           
Drama      Midnight Cowboy                          A                           
Drama      Fatal Attraction                         R                           

CATEGORY_N MOVIE_TITLE                              MOVIE                       
---------- ---------------------------------------- -----                       
Drama      One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest          R                           
Classic    All About Eve                            G                           
Classic    Gone with the Wind                       G                           
Classic    It's a Wonderful Life                    G                           
Classic    The Philadelphia Story                   G                           
Family     Babe                                     G                           
Family     The Muppet Movie                         G                           
Family     Toy Story                                G                           
Family     Toy Story 2                              G                           

20 rows selected.

CATEGORY_N MOVIE_TITLE                              MOVIE                       
---------- ---------------------------------------- -----                       
Drama      Clockwork Orange                         A                           
Drama      Midnight Cowboy                          A                           
Family     Babe                                     G                           
Family     The Muppet Movie                         G                           
Family     Toy Story                                G                           
Family     Toy Story 2                              G                           
Classic    All About Eve                            G                           
Classic    Gone with the Wind                       G                           
Classic    It's a Wonderful Life                    G                           
Classic    The Philadelphia Story                   G                           
Action     Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom     PG                          

CATEGORY_N MOVIE_TITLE                              MOVIE                       
---------- ---------------------------------------- -----                       
Action     Return of the Jedi                       PG                          
Action     Star Wars                                PG                          
Action     The Empire Strikes Back                  PG                          
Action     The Phantom Menace                       PG                          
Action     Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade       PG-13                       
Drama      Fatal Attraction                         R                           
Drama      One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest          R                           
Comedy     The Blues Brothers                       R                           
Action     The Matrix                               R                           

20 rows selected.

problem 2-4


problem 2-5


problem 2-6

MOVIE_TITLE                              MOVIE                                  
---------------------------------------- -----                                  
Gone with the Wind                       G                                      
It's a Wonderful Life                    G                                      
The Muppet Movie                         G                                      

problem 2-7

CLIENT_LNAME    CLIENT_P CLIENT_CREDIT_RTG                                      
--------------- -------- -----------------                                      
Beta            555-5555                 5                                      
Alpha           111-1111               4.9                                      
Greta           888-8888               4.4                                      
Carlos          333-3333               3.8                                      
Delta           222-2222               3.4                                      
Harpo           999-9999               3.3                                      

6 rows selected.

problem 2-8

VID_ID MOVIE_TITLE                              VID_FOR                         
------ ---------------------------------------- -------                         
120041 All About Eve                            Blu-Ray                         
320011 Babe                                     Blu-Ray                         
420031 Clockwork Orange                         Blu-Ray                         
420042 Fatal Attraction                         Blu-Ray                         
220021 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade       Blu-Ray                         
120021 It's a Wonderful Life                    Blu-Ray                         
420021 Midnight Cowboy                          Blu-Ray                         
220051 Return of the Jedi                       Blu-Ray                         
220032 Star Wars                                Blu-Ray                         
220042 The Empire Strikes Back                  Blu-Ray                         
220071 The Matrix                               Blu-Ray                         

VID_ID MOVIE_TITLE                              VID_FOR                         
------ ---------------------------------------- -------                         
220072 The Matrix                               Blu-Ray                         
220063 The Phantom Menace                       Blu-Ray                         
220061 The Phantom Menace                       Blu-Ray                         
120051 The Philadelphia Story                   Blu-Ray                         
320022 Toy Story                                Blu-Ray                         
320021 Toy Story                                Blu-Ray                         
320031 Toy Story 2                              Blu-Ray                         
330012 Babe                                     DVD                             
230052 Return of the Jedi                       DVD                             
130061 The Blues Brothers                       DVD                             
230043 The Empire Strikes Back                  DVD                             

VID_ID MOVIE_TITLE                              VID_FOR                         
------ ---------------------------------------- -------                         
230074 The Matrix                               DVD                             
230073 The Matrix                               DVD                             
230064 The Phantom Menace                       DVD                             
330034 Toy Story 2                              DVD                             
330033 Toy Story 2                              DVD                             
410041 Fatal Attraction                         HD-DVD                          

28 rows selected.

problem 2-9

VID_FOR   COUNT(*) AVG(VID_RENTAL_PRICE)                                        
------- ---------- ---------------------                                        
Blu-Ray         23                  2.39                                        
DVD             15            4.85666667                                        
HD-DVD           4                  1.14                                        

problem 2-10

VID_FOR   COUNT(*) AVG(VID_RENTAL_PRICE)                                        
------- ---------- ---------------------                                        
HD-DVD           4                  1.14                                        
DVD             15            4.85666667                                        
Blu-Ray         23                  2.39                                        

problem 2-11

VID_RENTAL_PRICE   COUNT(*)                                                     
---------------- ----------                                                     
            5.99          6                                                     
            4.99          3                                                     
            3.99          5                                                     
            2.99          8                                                     
            2.19          6                                                     
            1.99         10                                                     
            1.29          2                                                     
             .99          2                                                     

8 rows selected.

problem 2-12

VID_RENTAL_PRICE   COUNT(*)                                                     
---------------- ----------                                                     
            5.99          6                                                     
            3.99          5                                                     
            2.99          8                                                     
            2.19          6                                                     
            1.99         10                                                     

problem 2-13

CATEGORY_N   COUNT(*)                                                           
---------- ----------                                                           
Action              7                                                           
Classic             4                                                           
Family              4                                                           
Drama               4                                                           
Comedy              1                                                           

problem 2-14

CATEGORY_N   COUNT(*)                                                           
---------- ----------                                                           
Action             20                                                           
Family             10                                                           
Classic             6                                                           
Drama               5                                                           
Comedy              1                                                           

problem 2-15

CATEGORY_N   COUNT(*)                                                           
---------- ----------                                                           
Classic             6                                                           
Drama               5                                                           
Comedy              1                                                           

problem 2-16


problem 2-17

VID_RENTAL_PRICE   COUNT(*)                                                     
---------------- ----------                                                     
            2.19          6                                                     
            2.99          8                                                     
            5.99          6                                                     
            1.99         10                                                     

problem 2-18

MOVIE_TITLE                                COUNT(*)                             
---------------------------------------- ----------                             
Gone with the Wind                                7                             
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom              4                             
Star Wars                                         3                             
The Muppet Movie                                  3                             
It's a Wonderful Life                             1                             
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest                   1                             
The Empire Strikes Back                           1                             
The Phantom Menace                                1                             
Toy Story                                         1                             
Toy Story 2                                       1                             

10 rows selected.