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-- 315lab05-projected.sql
-- example SQL and SQL*Plus commands for CIS 315 - 
-- Week 5 Lab, 9-22-10
-- last modified: 09-22-10 (post-lab)

-- WEEK 5 LAB EXERCISE. part 1:
-- start a SQL script named lab5.sql, and put in one or more
-- comments containing your name and some indication that
-- this is the week 5 lab...

-- make sure we have "clean" copies of the example
--    tables empl, dept, and customer
--    (note that I copied set-up-ex-tbls.sql into current
--    directory...)

@ set-up-ex-tbls

-- let's spool the results into a file

spool lab5-results.txt    

-- add spool and spool off commands to your lab5.sql script
-- *   let's spool to lab5-results.txt

-- and, let's set up a new orders table:

drop table orders cascade constraints;

-- sysdate is an Oracle function that returns the current date
--    (it is a no-argument function -- Oracle PL/SQL does not
--    require () for a no-argument function call)

create table orders
(order_num      char(5),
 cust_id        char(6)   not null,
 empl_num       char(4)   not null,
 -- NOTE: had to put not
 --    null AFTER default!!
 order_made     date      default sysdate not null, 
 order_filled   date,
 order_total    decimal(5,2) not null,
 primary key    (order_num),
 foreign key    (cust_id) references customer,
 foreign key    (empl_num) references empl

insert into orders
('00001', '123456', '7521', '02-Feb-2004', '04-Feb-2004', 58.99);

insert into orders(order_num, cust_id, empl_num, order_total)
('00002', '345678', '7654', 99.97);

-- remember the SQL select statement semantics presented in lab!!!
-- 1) do a Cartesian product of the tables listed in the 
--    FROM clause;
-- 2) do a relational selection of the resulting rows that meet
--    the condition in the WHERE clause
-- 3) do a "partial" projection (only pure if DISTINCT is 
--    included!) of the expressions/columns in the SELECT 
--    clause of the resulting rows
-- (these are for SIMPLE SQL select statements, note...)

-- AND ... after all of our examples using select to specify
--    desired "pure" relational operations...
-- we are now ready to note that SQL's select allows us to
--    COMBINE these relational operations within a single 
--    SQL select statement for fun and information!

-- for example,
--    we often don't do a "pure" natural or equi-join --- we 
--    simply project from the equi-join the desired columns;

select	empl_last_name, dept_name, dept_loc
from	empl, dept
where	empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num;

select empl_last_name, dept_name, dept_loc
from empl join dept on (empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num);

-- what if I want JUST the last names and salaries of employees 
--    who are managers?
--    combine project and selection:

select empl_last_name, salary
from   empl
where  job_title = 'Manager';

-- give me job_titles and hiredates for employees with commissions
--    greater than 0 (combination selection and projection)

select	job_title, hiredate
from	empl
where	commission > 0;

-- SQL GOTCHA: how can I select JUST rows where a column is
--    null (or not null)?

-- *************************************************
-- select such rows!!
-- *************************************************

-- when you try THIS, no rows will be selected --
--    = doesn't work to see if a column contains null;

select empl_last_name
from   empl
where  commission = NULL;

-- this WILL give the last names of employees with no
--     commission (NULL commission)

select empl_last_name
from   empl
where  commission is NULL;

-- likewise, this does NOT work like we might think...

select empl_last_name
from   empl
where  commission != NULL;

-- but this does:

select empl_last_name
from   empl
where  commission is not NULL;

-- lab exercise part 3 - 
-- write a query that projects the employee last name and
--   salary for employees who have a MGR column whose
--   value is NULL.

-- give me the employees and their department names and locations
--    ONLY for employees hired since 12-1-1991
--    (combination select, join, and project...)

select	empl_last_name, dept_name, dept_loc
from	empl, dept
where	empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num
        and hiredate > '01-dec-1991';

select  empl_last_name, dept_name, dept_loc
from	empl join dept on (empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num)
where   hiredate > '01-dec-1991';

-- and we will of course go much farther from here!

-- WHEN TABLE NAMES are REQUIRED before a column name

-- what if I wanted the department number in there, too?
-- this WON'T WORK:

select	empl_last_name, dept_num, dept_name, dept_loc
from	empl, dept
where	empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num
        and	hiredate > '01-dec-1991';

select  empl_last_name, dept_num, dept_name, dept_loc
from	empl join dept on (empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num)
where   hiredate > '01-dec-1991';

-- IF a column name is in MORE than 1 table involved in the from
--    clause --- MUST precede it by the name of the table ANYWHERE
--    it appears in the select statement, EVEN in the select clause;
--    (telling WHICH table's copy is desired)

-- ... this DOES work:
select	empl_last_name, dept.dept_num, dept_name, dept_loc
from	empl, dept
where	empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num
and	hiredate > '01-dec-1991';

select  empl_last_name, dept.dept_num, dept_name, dept_loc
from    empl join dept on (empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num)
where   hiredate > '01-dec-1991';


-- various goodies related to WHERE clause conditions....
--    continued

-- boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT

-- AND and OR and NOT are the boolean operators in SQL, 
--    remember...
-- (as mentioned in create table check-clause discussion)

-- see employees who are salesmen with salaries of 1500 or more

select	*
from	empl
where	job_title = 'Salesman'
        and salary >= 1500;

-- what about employees who are EITHER salesmen OR have salaries
-- of 1500 or more?

select  *
from    empl
where   job_title = 'Salesman'
        or salary >= 1500;

-- please use parentheses for compound logical/Boolean conditions
-- when OR's and AND's are BOTH involved;
-- (here, I only want rows with hiredate > 1-1-93, but for 
--  those also who are either salesmen or make more or equal to 
--  1500)

select *
from   empl
where  (job_title = 'Salesman' or salary >= 1500)
        and hiredate > '01-Mar-1991';

-- here's a NOT example:
-- employees with a job_title that is NOT 'Salesman'

select *
from   empl
where  not (job_title = 'Salesman');

select  * 
from    empl 
where   not job_title = 'Salesman'; 

select  *
from    empl 
where   job_title <> 'Salesman'; 

select  *
from    empl 
where   job_title != 'Salesman'; 

-- between operator

-- BETWEEN example:
-- attrib BETWEEN val1 AND val2
-- (is attribute between val1 and val2, inclusive?)
-- (is it in the interval [val1, val2] )

-- same as: (attrib >= val1) AND (attrib <= val2) 

-- ex: employees whose salary is between 1100 and 1600, inclusive:
-- (in the interval [1100, 1600])

select   *
from	 empl
where	 salary between 1100 and 1600;

select   *
from	 empl
where	 salary NOT between 1100 and 1600;

-- like operator

-- LIKE examples, for looking for string attributes that match a
-- given pattern:
-- %: matches any 0 or more characters
-- _: matches any 1 character

-- which employees have an employee number ending with a 9?

select   *
from	 empl
where	 empl_num like '%9';

-- which employees have an employee number with a 7 ANYWHERE
-- in it?

select   *
from	 empl
where	 empl_num like '%7%';

-- which employees are managers --- but I don't remember
-- the case 

select    *
from	  empl
where	  job_title like '_anager'
          or job_title = 'MANAGER';

-- which employee numbers have a 9 as the third digit?

select   *
from	 empl
where	 empl_num like '__9_';

-- which employees have 'a' as the third character in 
-- their last name?

select   *
from	 empl
where	 empl_last_name like '__a%';

-- which have a 9 in them, period?

select   *
from	 empl
where	 empl_num like '%9%';

-- does this work for TRULY-NUMERIC fields?

select *
from   empl
where  salary like '_6__';

select *
from   orders
where  order_total like '__._7';

select * 
from   orders 
where  order_total like '__.9_';

select *  
from   orders  
where  order_total like '___9_';   

select *
from   empl
where  hiredate like '__-FEB%';

select *
from   empl
where  hiredate NOT like '__-FEB%';

-- geesh, are the quotes required here?

select * 
from   empl 
where  salary like _6__; 

-- COMPUTED COLUMNS (and renaming columns)

-- computed columns: I can have a computation in the select clause!
-- note that +, *, /, - are all supported;

-- silly: show double everyone's salary:

select   empl_last_name, salary * 2 
from	 empl;

-- a computed column in a select does NOT CHANGE THE DATA

-- you CAN rename a projected column or expression --- put a string AFTER
-- the projected expression (NO comma!)
-- NOTE that, here, the string is expected to use double quotes...!?
-- (some call this a column alias... I usually don't though...)

select   empl_last_name "Last Name", salary * 2 "double salary"
from	 empl;

-- you can only omit the double quotes if there is no blank in
-- the proposed column alias --- AND, note that that alias will
-- then appear in all caps!

select   empl_last_name lastname, salary * 2 twiceCurrent
from	 empl;

-- what is the sum of salary + commmission?
-- (note: computations are ONLY done when all columns involved have
-- NON-NULL values...)

select   salary + commission "combined gross"
from	 empl;

-- note that if you don't use quotes in a column alias,
-- it shows as all-caps (and cannot have blanks inside!!)

select   empl_last_name, salary + commission gross
from	 empl;


-- can give a table a nickname, too...
-- (but it can save typing --- ONCE SET, USE THROUGHOUT THE 
-- SELECT!!)
-- (also called a table alias)

select  d.dept_num, empl_last_name
from	dept d, empl e
where   d.dept_num = e.dept_num;

select  d.dept_num, empl_last_name
from	dept d join empl e on (d.dept_num = e.dept_num);

-- BUT NOTE --- if you DO this, you must USE the alias
-- THROUGHOUT the select statement; EVEN in the select clause!

-- so, SQL*Plus WON'T like this:

select  dept.dept_num, empl_last_name
from	dept d, empl e
where   d.dept_num = e.dept_num;

select  dept.dept_num, empl_last_name
from	dept d join empl e on (d.dept_num = e.dept_num);

-- but this is fine:

select  d.dept_num, empl_last_name
from	dept d, empl e
where   d.dept_num = e.dept_num;

select  d.dept_num, empl_last_name
from    dept d join empl e on (d.dept_num = e.dept_num);

-- ASIDE: here is a three-table join
-- important rule of thumb --- in a (natural or equi-)join of X
-- tables, you should have X-1 join conditions!!

-- so, to join 3 tables, you need 2 join conditions

-- what if I want, for each customer, the customer's last name,
-- the name of that customer's employee rep, and the department
-- location of that employee

select   cust_lname, empl_last_name, dept_loc
from	 customer, empl, dept
where	 customer.empl_rep = empl.empl_num
         and empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num;

select   cust_lname, empl_last_name, dept_loc
from     customer join empl on (customer.empl_rep = empl.empl_num)
                  join dept on (empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num);

-- what if I want the above for customers represented by employee
-- Michaels?

select   cust_lname, empl_last_name, dept_loc
from	 customer, empl, dept
where	 customer.empl_rep = empl.empl_num
         and	 empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num
         and	 empl_last_name = 'Michaels';

select   cust_lname, empl_last_name, dept_loc
from     customer join empl on (customer.empl_rep = empl.empl_num)
                  join dept on (empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num)
where    empl_last_name = 'Michaels';

--  more examples of table aliases...

select   cust_lname, empl_last_name, dept_loc, d.dept_num
from	 customer c, empl e, dept d
where	 c.empl_rep = e.empl_num
         and	 e.dept_num = d.dept_num;

select   cust_lname, empl_last_name, dept_loc, d.dept_num
from	 empl e join customer c on (c.empl_rep = e.empl_num)
                join dept d on (e.dept_num = d.dept_num);

-- example of when table aliases are REQUIRED!!

-- say you want to print each employee's name, and the name
-- each employee's manager;

select   e1.empl_last_name employee, e2.empl_last_name manager
from	 empl e1, empl e2
where	 e1.mgr = e2.empl_num;

select   e1.empl_last_name employee, e2.empl_last_name manager
from	 empl e1 join empl e2 on (e1.mgr = e2.empl_num);

-- IN predicate examples
-- (now we are using in a select's where clause)

-- first: here's one way you could find out the names and
-- job_titles and salaries 
-- of managers and analysts (NOT using IN, yet):

select   empl_last_name, job_title, salary
from	 empl
where	 job_title = 'Analyst'
         or job_title = 'Manager';

-- you could ALSO do the same thing using the IN predicate:

select   empl_last_name, job_title, salary
from	 empl
where	 job_title IN ('Analyst', 'Manager');

-- lab exercise:
-- write a query using IN that selects those rows of dept
--    whose location (dept_loc) is either 'Dallas', 'Boston',
--    or 'New York'

-- there's also NOT IN, which does what you'd probably expect:
-- this gives last name and job_title for anyone who isn't
-- an analyst or a manager:

select   empl_last_name, job_title
from	 empl
where	 job_title NOT IN ('Analyst', 'Manager');

-- examples of aggregate functions

-- computed columns perform a computation for EACH row ---
--    aggregate functions perform ONE computation for ALL the rows;
--    only ONE row results, when aggregate functions are called
--    in "simple" selects;

-- what is the average salary, the minimum salary, the maximum
--   salary, the total of all salaries, and the number of salaries
--   for ALL employees, in aggregate? 
select avg(salary), avg(commission), min(salary), max(salary), 
       sum(salary), count(salary), count(mgr), min(hiredate),
from   empl;

-- same query, except with "nicer" column labels on the result

select  avg(salary) "Average Salary", avg(commission) "Average Commission", 
        min(salary) minimum, max(salary) maximum, 
        sum(salary) sum, count(salary) "number of employees" 
from	empl;

-- let's do these computations for commission as well, to make
-- the point that these functions operate on NON-NULL values

select  avg(commission) "Avg Comm", min(commission) "Min Comm", 
        max(commission) "Max Comm",
        sum(commission) "Comm Sum", count(commission) "How many have comm" 
from	empl;

-- playing with the count() aggregate function:

select  count(salary), count(commission), count(mgr)
from    empl;

-- count(*) can be used to indicate the number of rows in the
-- resulting table

-- counting rows vs. non-null values...

select count(*), count(commission), count(salary), count(mgr)
from   empl;

-- some more count() examples

select count(*) "Number of Employees"
from   empl;

select count(*) "Number of Managers"
from   empl
where  job_title = 'Manager';

-- find out how many clerks there are, and their average
-- salary:

select count(*), avg(salary)
from   empl
where  job_title = 'Clerk';

-- examples of using & for interactive input
--    (and short intro to SQL INJECTION)

-- if you put a & in front of a name within a query, 
--     then when run, SQLPlus will query you to enter an interactive 
--     value for that name, substitute it into the query, and run it;

select salary
from   empl
where  job_title = &job_ttl; 

-- when run, you'll see:
-- Enter value for job_ttl: 
--     (and be sure to type string data in single quotes...!)

-- SIDE NOTE: in sqlplus, typing
-- ...redoes the PREVIOUS SQL statement... (handy for playing with &, here!)

-- & is useful for more customizable report SQL scripts or regularly-run SQL
--    scripts, for example;
-- BUT -- when you trust user input (without checking it first or
--    SANITIZING it), you become prone to SQL INJECTION

-- from: 
--, sect 1.1:
/* "SQL injection is a technique to maliciously exploit applications that 
   use client-supplied data in SQL statements. 

   Attackers trick the SQL engine into executing unintended commands by 
   supplying specially crafted string input, thereby gaining unauthorized 
   access to a database in order to view or manipulate restricted data.

   SQL injection techniques may differ, but they all exploit a single 
   vulnerability in the application:
   Incorrectly validated or nonvalidated string literals are concatenated 
   into a dynamic SQL statement, and interpreted as code by the SQL engine."

/* example 1:
   with the above query, when run, enter:

   Enter value for job_ttl: 'Manager' or 1 = 1'll get salaries for ALL employees;

   example 2:
   We haven't discussed UNION yet, but, for the query:

   select empl_last_name
   from empl
   where job_title = &job_ttl;

   if, when run, you enter:

   Enter value for job_ttl: 'Manager' union select table_name from user_tables'll get the names of ALL tables in this user's corner of the Oracle
      student database;

-- SQL injection is a real problem --
--    it was cited as one of the top 3 security weaknesses in 2010 at 

-- SOME ways to combat this? For example... (NOT a comprehensive list, 
-- I'm sure!)
-- *   in CIS 318 we'll talk about being careful to always SANITIZE 
--     user input before trustingly plugging it into DYNAMICALLY-built 
--     SQL queries
-- *   we might take care to encrypt certain data, even in a database 
--     table;
-- *   couldn't judicious use of GRANT help with this, too? After all, 
--     if sensitive tables only have SELECT access granted to a trusted 
--     few, then if this malicious user isn't in that trusted few, then 
--     this attempt should fail...?
-- *   I think it is advised you take as MANY of preventive measures 
--     as you can...! (layers of protection);

-- and now you may have a greater appreciation of this:

spool off

-- end of 315lab05-projected.sql