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-- 315lab06-projected.sql
-- example SQL and SQL*Plus commands for CIS 315 lab, Week 6
-- last modified: 09-30-10 (post-lab)
-- NOTE: this script uses the empl and dept tables from set-up-ex-tbls.sql;
-- It also has an example using the HW "video store" tables.
-- I am not re-running those table set-up scripts here, but these
-- tables need to exist and be populated for this script to run!
-- let's spool the results into a file
spool lab06-results.txt
-- TWO SQL*Plus DEBUGGING-HELPER commands...!
-- prompt simply prints a message to the screen (or to your spooled
-- results, say before a query)
-- (prompt with no message? You get a blank line to the screen...)
prompt Howdy there CIS 315
-- set echo on can be used so that you see the query,
-- and then its result, even for queries run from a SQL script
set echo on
select *
from empl;
-- NOTE: PLEASE set echo OFF again after debugging, typically;
-- it can make for LONG spooled results files...
set echo off
-- start a SQL script, lab6.sql or some such,
-- start it with comments including your name, Week 6 Lab, and today's date
-- put in spool and spool off commands to spool results into a file
-- such as lab6-results.txt
-- then, between the spool and spool off, put a prompt command that
-- prints some message of your choice to the screen
-- nested select/subselect examples...
-- you can actually have a where clause (or a from clause!) containing
-- another select statement --- a select NESTED within another,
-- a SUBselect inside of another;
-- who is/are the manager(s) of the highest-paid clerk (or clerks)?
-- first: working backwards...
-- what is the salary of the highest paid clerk?
select max(salary)
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk';
-- next: what's is (or are) the employee numbers of that/those
-- clerks?
select empl_num
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk'
and salary =
-- this subselect COMPUTES the desired salary to compare
-- salary to!
(select max(salary)
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk');
-- MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND: those rows are selected from the "outer" query
-- in which job_title is 'Clerk' AND the salary is equal to that
-- maximum salary that is the result of the "inner", nested query
-- you can project whatever you want at the "top" level, of course;
-- showing that maximum clerk's last name and salary, too:
select empl_last_name, salary
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk'
and salary =
(select max(salary)
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk');
-- lab exercise part 2 -
-- in your lab6.sql script, write a query to project the last name
-- and hiredate of the lowest-paid Manager
select empl_last_name, hiredate
from empl
where job_title = 'Manager'
and salary = (select min(salary)
from empl
where job_title = 'Manager');
-- there can be more than one table involved in nested selects...!
-- more than one table can be involved in nested selects (although in such
-- cases, the columns relating those tables will often also be
-- involved);
-- consider: to find the department's whose location is Dallas:
select dept_num
from dept
where dept_loc = 'Dallas';
-- ...and now, to find the names and salaries of employees who work in Dallas:
select empl_last_name, salary
from empl
where dept_num in
(select dept_num
from dept
where dept_loc = 'Dallas');
-- COMMON ERROR: aggregate functions ONLY work in a query -- they
-- don't make sense "on their own". The following WON'T WORK:
select empl_num
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk'
and salary = max(salary); -- ILLEGAL! and what would it mean, anyway?
-- ...max salary of what rows?
-- ERROR you'll get from the above:
-- ERROR at line 4:
-- ORA-00934: group function is not allowed here
-- get it? aggregate == group...
-- you can nest as deeply as you want/need to!
-- well --- why not just show who THAT empl's manager is?
-- (the manager(s) of the highest-paid clerk(s))
-- first: you need the employee number of the clerk's manager,
-- so project that:
select mgr
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk'
and salary =
(select max(salary)
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk');
-- then, let's get the name(s) of these managers:
select empl_last_name
from empl
where empl_num in
-- "build" the list of desired managers' empl nums
(select mgr
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk'
and salary =
(select max(salary)
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk'));
-- lab exercise part 3 - write a query USING A SUB-SELECT that
-- projects the hiredate of the employees whose location
-- is New York
select hiredate
from empl
where dept_num in
(select dept_num
from dept
where dept_loc = 'New York');
-- you can have a nested select defining a table
-- in your FROM clause, too!
select empl_last_name, dept_name
from (select *
from empl e, dept d
where e.dept_num = d.dept_num)
where dept_name = 'Operations';
select empl_last_name, dept_name
from (select *
from empl e join dept d on e.dept_num = d.dept_num)
where dept_name = 'Operations';
-- NOTE!!!!
-- the outer select-clause (and where-clause) have to use the "column names"
-- as provided by the result of the from clause
select ename, dname
from (select empl_last_name ename, dept_name dname
from empl e, dept d
where e.dept_num = d.dept_num)
where dname = 'Operations';
select ename, dname
from (select empl_last_name ename, dept_name dname
from empl e join dept d on (e.dept_num = d.dept_num))
where dname = 'Operations';
-- here's the error you'll get if you don't use those names:
select empl_last_name, dname
from (select empl_last_name ename, dept_name dname
from empl e, dept d
where e.dept_num = d.dept_num)
where dname = 'Operations';
-- more examples of nested selects in the where-clause
-- who are the managers of clerks making more than the average
-- salary for clerks?
select empl_last_name
from empl
where empl_num in
(select mgr
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk'
and salary >
(select avg(salary)
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk'));
-- here's one where I might more commonly expect multiple values...
-- what are the names of managers of clerks?
-- what are the employee numbers of clerks?
select empl_num
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk';
-- what are the employee numbers of the MANAGERS of these clerks?
select mgr
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk';
-- and, what are the empl_last_names of these managers?
select empl_last_name
from empl
where empl_num =
(select mgr
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk');
-- even over time, then the IN operator is SAFER than the = operator!
select empl_last_name
from empl
where empl_num IN
(select mgr
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk');
-- note: especially when the result columns are all from one table,
-- but the "computation" involves more than one table, there is
-- OFTEN more than one valid way to write a query ---
-- here, then, is a JOIN that gives the names and salaries of
-- employees working in Dallas:
select empl_last_name, salary
from empl, dept
where empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num
and dept_loc = 'Dallas';
select empl_last_name, salary
from empl join dept on (empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num)
where dept_loc = 'Dallas';
-- ...are those parentheses needed around join condition after ON? maybe not:
select empl_last_name, salary
from empl join dept on empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num
where dept_loc = 'Dallas';
-- and queries involving joins can be involved with nested selects, too!
-- what is the manager's name who manages the highest paid
-- clerk, AND that clerk's last name and salary
select e2.empl_last_name "Manager" , e1.empl_last_name "Clerk's name",
e1.salary "Clerk's salary"
from empl e1, empl e2
where e1.mgr = e2.empl_num
and e1.job_title = 'Clerk'
and e1.salary =
(select max(salary)
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk');
select e2.empl_last_name "Manager" , e1.empl_last_name "Clerk's name",
e1.salary "Clerk's salary"
from empl e1 join empl e2 on e1.mgr = e2.empl_num
where e1.job_title = 'Clerk'
and e1.salary =
(select max(salary)
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk');
-- more nested examples!
-- give all the employee info for clerks who make MORE than the
-- lowest-paid salesmen
-- what's the salary of the lowest-paid salesman?
select min(salary)
from empl
where job_title = 'Salesman';
-- so, what's the info for Clerks who make more than this?
select *
from empl
where job_title = 'Clerk'
and salary >
(select min(salary)
from empl
where job_title = 'Salesman');
-- what you can do with a nested select, you can often do
-- with a join, as well --- here's an example:
-- note that, IF a query projects columns from MORE THAN ONE
-- table, a join will HAVE to be at least partially involved;
-- what if you want empl_last_name and dept_location of
-- clerks making more than a non-clerk?
select empl_last_name, dept_loc
from empl e, dept d
where e.dept_num = d.dept_num
and job_title = 'Clerk'
and salary >
(select min(salary)
from empl
where job_title != 'Clerk');
select empl_last_name, dept_loc
from empl e join dept d on e.dept_num = d.dept_num
where job_title = 'Clerk'
and salary >
(select min(salary)
from empl
where job_title != 'Clerk');
-- IF a query projects columns from only one table, but uses
-- information from more than one table to determine what rows
-- to select, then you can often use either a join, a nested select,
-- or some interesting combination thereof...
-- (yes, there are queries where you cannot do a "pure" join,
-- either --- consider the one above, I think. For example, if
-- your query involves those with an attribute more or less than a
-- minimum, more or less than an average, etc., I believe you'll
-- need at least some nesting to accomplish such a query.)
-- now, SOMETIMES you can get duplicate rows in one version
-- that you DON'T get in another...
-- which departments (and their locations) have employees hired
-- before June 1, 1991?
select dept_name, dept_loc
from dept
where dept_num in
(select dept_num
from empl
where hiredate < '01-JUN-1991');
-- NOTE that these CAN return duplicate rows...
select dept_name, dept_loc
from dept d, empl e
where d.dept_num = e.dept_num
and hiredate < '01-JUN-1991';
select dept_name, dept_loc
from dept d join empl e on d.dept_num = e.dept_num
where hiredate < '01-JUN-1991';
-- this is how I could PREVENT those duplicates, of course:
select distinct dept_name, dept_loc
from dept d, empl e
where d.dept_num = e.dept_num
and hiredate < '01-JUN-1991';
select distinct dept_name, dept_loc
from dept d join empl e on d.dept_num = e.dept_num
where hiredate < '01-JUN-1991';
--- FUN ASIDE: more interesting projection options: projecting
--- literals, and concatenation
-- Demonstration of putting a literal value into a select clause:
-- shows that you project that value for each row in the result set
-- This sets the "pagesize" of the sqlplus output buffer:
set pagesize 20
select 'b'
from empl;
-- this looks useless? No, it can be pretty neat, in combination
-- with another feature: you can CONCATENATE two things into 1
-- column with ||:
select dept_num || dept_name
from dept;
-- ugly, right? Ah, but what if you concatenated some spaces
-- and a dash in between:
select dept_num || ' - ' || dept_name "Department"
from dept;
-- pretty nice looking hmm?
-- imagine the possibilities:
-- last_name || ', ' || first_name
-- city || ', ' || state || ' ' || zip
-- '(' || area_code || ') ' || phone_num
-- or you can create a comma-separated version of data for
-- a spreadsheet by concatenating commas between values, etc.
-- etc.!
--- ON to EXISTS!
-- add a department with no employees
insert into dept
('600', 'Computer', 'Arcata');
-- EXISTS is a predicate (like IN, =, <, etc.) ---
-- (Sunderraman) "The exists predicate is true if the sub-select
-- results in a non-empty set of values, and it is false otherwise."
-- SO: for each row, that row satisfies the EXISTS predicate,
-- and so is selected, if the EXISTS's subquery is non-empty for
-- that row;
-- when using exists in a where-clause, you select those rows
-- for which the exists' subquery is not empty
-- exists is almost always used with a CORRELATION condition --- with a
-- CORRELATED subquery: when the inner select uses data from the *outer*
-- select.
-- (That is, the inner select is using an attribute or attributes from
-- table(s) included in the from clause of the outer select, that are
-- NOT included in the from clause of the inner select.)
-- Example #1: use EXISTS to list only the locations and
-- names of departments WITH employees
-- remember that the inner query, with an exists,
-- virtually ALWAYS has a correlation condition!!!!
-- note the inner query is used to see if there
-- are *any* rows matching the criterion - so it
-- doesn't matter what you use in the inner
-- select, and selecting a literal is considered
-- more efficient than, say, select *
-- how this works, roughly: what rows are selected? Those rows for
-- which the inner select is non-empty;
-- here: rows of dept are selected for which there is an employee
-- row with that row's dept_num;
select dept_loc, dept_name
from dept
where exists
(select 'a'
from empl
where empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num);
-- use NOT EXISTS to list which departments
-- currently have NO employees:
select dept_loc, dept_name
from dept
where NOT exists
(select 'a'
from empl
where empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num);
-- note the correlation condition is absolutely
-- necessary;
-- the correlation condition is correlating the
-- inner query with the outer query
-- Can think of the inner query being executed for each row of
-- the outer query
-- what if we simply omitted the correlation condition?
-- (hint: it is not what we want...)
select dept_loc, dept_name
from dept
where exists
(select 'a'
from empl);
select dept_loc, dept_name
from dept
where NOT exists
(select 'a'
from empl);
-- OOPS, you get ALL the rows, or NONE of them;
-- What happens if you make the inner select
-- a join instead of a simple correlated query?
select dept_loc, dept_name
from dept
where NOT exists
(select 'a'
-- NOOOO! You just turned this into a join!!!!
from empl, DEPT
where empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num);
-- Note that we just got the WRONG result - it
-- says that NO department has no employees
-- (that is, it says all departments have employees
-- which just isn't true)
-- What is happening?
-- The inner query is not correlated with the outer
-- query. Each time it fires, it produces exactly
-- the same set of rows. Since it always returns
-- some rows, the NOT EXISTS is never true. So, we
-- get no rows returned from the outer query, which
-- we interpret as "all departments have employees"
select dept_loc, dept_name
from dept d1
where NOT exists
(select 'a'
from empl, DEPT d2
where empl.dept_num = d2.dept_num -- join condition
and empl.dept_num = d1.dept_num -- correlation condition
select dept_loc, dept_name
from dept d1
where NOT exists
(select 'a'
from empl join DEPT d2 on
empl.dept_num = d2.dept_num -- join condition
where empl.dept_num = d1.dept_num -- correlation condition
-- a BIGGER example, where exists is more "valuable" --
-- consider for a moment the HW tables -- client, rental, video, etc.
-- what if I'd like to ask: has any client rented BOTH
-- 'Gone with the Wind' and 'Star Wars'?
-- one way to ask this: are there any clients for which
-- there EXISTS a rental of 'Gone with the Wind'
-- AND there EXISTS a rental of 'Star Wars'?
-- rentals involve client_nums and vid_ids -- what are the vid_id's for
-- 'Gone with the Wind' and 'Star Wars'?
select vid_id
from movie m, video v
where m.movie_num = v.movie_num
and movie_title IN ('Gone with the Wind', 'Star Wars');
select vid_id
from movie m join video v on m.movie_num = v.movie_num
where movie_title IN ('Gone with the Wind', 'Star Wars');
-- careful, though -- we want clients who have rented BOTH of these movies,
-- NOT 2 different copies of 'Gone with the Wind'!
-- SO: we want clients for which a 'Gone with the Wind' rental
-- exists, AND for which a 'Star Wars' rental exists!
select client_lname || ', ' || client_fname "Client of interest"
from client c
where exists
(select 'a'
from rental r
where c.client_num = r.client_num -- correlation condition
and vid_id in
(select vid_id
from movie m, video v
where m.movie_num = v.movie_num -- join condition
and movie_title = 'Gone with the Wind'))
and exists
(select 'a'
from rental r
where c.client_num = r.client_num -- correlation condition
and vid_id in
(select vid_id
from movie m, video v
where m.movie_num = v.movie_num -- join condition
and movie_title = 'Star Wars'));
select client_lname || ', ' || client_fname "Client of interest"
from client c
where exists
(select 'a'
from rental r
where c.client_num = r.client_num -- correlation condition
and vid_id in
(select vid_id
from movie m join video v
on m.movie_num = v.movie_num -- join condition
where movie_title = 'Gone with the Wind'))
and exists
(select 'a'
from rental r
where c.client_num = r.client_num -- correlation condition
and vid_id in
(select vid_id
from movie m join video v
on m.movie_num = v.movie_num -- join condition
where movie_title = 'Star Wars'));
-- double check: what movies HAS Edie Beta rented?
select movie_title
from movie m, video v, rental r
where m.movie_num = v.movie_num
and v.vid_id = r.vid_id
and client_num IN
(select client_num
from client
where client_lname = 'Beta'
and client_fname = 'Edie');
select movie_title
from video v join movie m on v.movie_num = m.movie_num
join rental r on v.vid_id = r.vid_id
where client_num IN
(select client_num
from client
where client_lname = 'Beta'
and client_fname = 'Edie');
-- I want to know the customer's name and the name of their
-- employee rep for customers whose employee rep has made over
-- $1000 in commission;
select cust_lname || ', ' || cust_fname "Customer",
empl_last_name "Customer Rep"
from customer c, empl e
where empl_rep = empl_num
and exists
(select 'a'
from empl e
where c.empl_rep = e.empl_num -- correlation condition
and commission > 1000);
select cust_lname || ', ' || cust_fname "Customer",
empl_last_name "Customer Rep"
from customer c join empl e on empl_rep = empl_num
where exists
(select 'a'
from empl e
where c.empl_rep = e.empl_num -- correlation condition
and commission > 1000);
-- STYLE aside:
-- Because of the way that exists/not exists works, SOMETIMES
-- using it with a Cartesian product (where you really ought to
-- have a join --- that is, include a join condition) gives a correct
-- answer, IF you use distinct to filter out the MANY excess copies
-- of the desired rows.
-- This, however, will be considered POOR STYLE in this class,
-- and will NOT be accepted for credit. It is just too easy for this
-- kind of approach to lead to incorrect and hard-to-read queries.
-- 315 Style (and correctness) rule of thumb: unless you REALLY
-- intend to ask for a Cartesian product, whenever you have N
-- tables in your FROM clause, you need to have (N-1) appropriate
-- corresponding join conditions in your WHERE clause (or in your ON clauses
-- for "new-style" joins)
-- Finally, sometimes a query can be written with
-- IN or with EXISTS or with a JOIN (or with some combination!)
-- The three queries below all correctly answer this
-- question:
-- List locations with at least one employee hired
-- before May 1, 1991
-- This one uses EXISTS and a correlated subquery:
select dept_loc
from dept d
where exists
(select 'a'
from empl e
where e.dept_num = d.dept_num -- correlation condition
and hiredate < '01-May-1991');
-- This one uses an IN and a subquery:
select dept_loc
from dept d
where dept_num in
(select dept_num
from empl e
where hiredate < '01-May-1991');
-- And these use a join
select distinct dept_loc
from dept d, empl e
where d.dept_num = e.dept_num -- join condition
and hiredate < '01-May-1991';
select distinct dept_loc
from dept d join empl e on d.dept_num = e.dept_num -- join condition
where hiredate < '01-May-1991';
-- to show why I used DISTINCT above: because there could be
-- multiple such employees at a particular location...
select dept_loc
from dept d, empl e
where d.dept_num = e.dept_num -- join condition
and hiredate < '01-May-1991';
select dept_loc
from dept d join empl e on d.dept_num = e.dept_num -- join condition
where hiredate < '01-May-1991';
-- and there may be OTHER reasonable ways to write this query, too! 8-)
spool off
-- end of 315lab06-projected.sql