Please send questions to .

Table dropped.

Table created.

Table dropped.

Table created.

Sequence dropped.

Sequence created.

1 row created.

1 row created.

1 row created.

PTR PTR_LNAME                      PTR_FNAME                                    
--- ------------------------------ ---------------                              
102 Van Gogh                       Vincent                                      
104 Monet                          Claude                                       
106 Da Vinci                       Leonardo                                     

PTR PTR_LNAME                      PTR_FNAME                                    
--- ------------------------------ ---------------                              
102 Van Gogh                       Vincent                                      
104 Monet                          Claude                                       
106 Da Vinci                       Leonardo                                     

View dropped.

View created.

EMPL EMPL_LAST_NAME  JOB_TITLE  MGR                                             
---- --------------- ---------- ----                                            
7839 King            President                                                  
7566 Jones           Manager    7839                                            
7698 Blake           Manager    7839                                            
7782 Raimi           Manager    7839                                            
7902 Ford            Analyst    7566                                            
7369 Smith           Clerk      7902                                            
7499 Michaels        Salesman   7698                                            
7521 Ward            Salesman   7698                                            
7654 Martin          Salesman   7698                                            
7788 Scott           Analyst    7566                                            
7844 Turner          Salesman   7698                                            

EMPL EMPL_LAST_NAME  JOB_TITLE  MGR                                             
---- --------------- ---------- ----                                            
7876 Adams           Clerk      7788                                            
7900 James           Clerk      7698                                            
7934 Miller          Clerk      7782                                            

14 rows selected.

EMPL_LAST_NAME  CUST_LNAME                                                      
--------------- --------------------                                            
Michaels        Firstly                                                         
Michaels        Thirdly                                                         
Martin          Secondly                                                        

View dropped.

View created.

EMPL_LAST_NAME  CUST_LNAME                                                      
--------------- --------------------                                            
Michaels        Firstly                                                         
Michaels        Thirdly                                                         
Martin          Secondly                                                        

1 row created.

EMPL_LAST_NAME  CUST_LNAME                                                      
--------------- --------------------                                            
Michaels        Fourthly                                                        
Michaels        Thirdly                                                         
Michaels        Firstly                                                         
Martin          Secondly                                                        

View dropped.

View created.

NAME            job catego MANA                                                 
--------------- ---------- ----                                                 
King            President                                                       
Jones           Manager    7839                                                 
Blake           Manager    7839                                                 
Raimi           Manager    7839                                                 
Ford            Analyst    7566                                                 
Smith           Clerk      7902                                                 
Michaels        Salesman   7698                                                 
Ward            Salesman   7698                                                 
Martin          Salesman   7698                                                 
Scott           Analyst    7566                                                 
Turner          Salesman   7698                                                 

NAME            job catego MANA                                                 
--------------- ---------- ----                                                 
Adams           Clerk      7788                                                 
James           Clerk      7698                                                 
Miller          Clerk      7782                                                 

14 rows selected.

job catego NAME                                                                 
---------- ---------------                                                      
Analyst    Ford                                                                 
Analyst    Scott                                                                
Clerk      Smith                                                                
Clerk      Miller                                                               
Clerk      Adams                                                                
Clerk      James                                                                
Manager    Blake                                                                
Manager    Raimi                                                                
Manager    Jones                                                                
President  King                                                                 
Salesman   Turner                                                               

job catego NAME                                                                 
---------- ---------------                                                      
Salesman   Martin                                                               
Salesman   Ward                                                                 
Salesman   Michaels                                                             

14 rows selected.

select	 "job category", empl_last_name
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "EMPL_LAST_NAME": invalid identifier 

View dropped.

drop view short_empl3
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword 

View created.

POSITION   LAST_NAME                                                            
---------- ---------------                                                      
Clerk      Adams                                                                
Manager    Blake                                                                
Analyst    Ford                                                                 
Clerk      James                                                                
Manager    Jones                                                                
President  King                                                                 
Salesman   Martin                                                               
Salesman   Michaels                                                             
Clerk      Miller                                                               
Manager    Raimi                                                                
Analyst    Scott                                                                

POSITION   LAST_NAME                                                            
---------- ---------------                                                      
Clerk      Smith                                                                
Salesman   Turner                                                               
Salesman   Ward                                                                 

14 rows selected.

View dropped.

select	 job_title, avg(salary)
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00998: must name this expression with a column alias 

View created.

JOB        SALARY_AVG                                                           
---------- ----------                                                           
Manager    2758.33333                                                           
Analyst          3000                                                           
Clerk          1037.5                                                           
President        5000                                                           
Salesman         1400                                                           

View dropped.

View created.

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME       DEPT_LOC                                        
--------------- --------------- ---------------                                 
Raimi           Accounting      New York                                        
Miller          Accounting      New York                                        
King            Management      New York                                        
Adams           Operations      Boston                                          
Ford            Research        Dallas                                          
Jones           Research        Dallas                                          
Scott           Research        Dallas                                          
Smith           Research        Dallas                                          
Turner          Sales           Chicago                                         
James           Sales           Chicago                                         
Michaels        Sales           Chicago                                         

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME       DEPT_LOC                                        
--------------- --------------- ---------------                                 
Blake           Sales           Chicago                                         
Ward            Sales           Chicago                                         
Martin          Sales           Chicago                                         

14 rows selected.

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME       DEPT_LOC                                        
--------------- --------------- ---------------                                 
Adams           Operations      Boston                                          
Martin          Sales           Chicago                                         
Turner          Sales           Chicago                                         
James           Sales           Chicago                                         
Michaels        Sales           Chicago                                         
Blake           Sales           Chicago                                         
Ward            Sales           Chicago                                         
Smith           Research        Dallas                                          
Ford            Research        Dallas                                          
Jones           Research        Dallas                                          
Scott           Research        Dallas                                          

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME       DEPT_LOC                                        
--------------- --------------- ---------------                                 
Miller          Accounting      New York                                        
King            Management      New York                                        
Raimi           Accounting      New York                                        

14 rows selected.

View dropped.

View created.

DEPT_NAME       EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_LOC                                        
--------------- --------------- ---------------                                 
Accounting      Raimi           New York                                        
Accounting      Miller          New York                                        
Management      King            New York                                        
Operations      Adams           Boston                                          
Research        Ford            Dallas                                          
Research        Jones           Dallas                                          
Research        Scott           Dallas                                          
Research        Smith           Dallas                                          
Sales           Turner          Chicago                                         
Sales           James           Chicago                                         
Sales           Michaels        Chicago                                         

DEPT_NAME       EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_LOC                                        
--------------- --------------- ---------------                                 
Sales           Blake           Chicago                                         
Sales           Ward            Chicago                                         
Sales           Martin          Chicago                                         

14 rows selected.

DEPT_LOC        EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME                                       
--------------- --------------- ---------------                                 
Boston          Adams           Operations                                      
Chicago         Martin          Sales                                           
Chicago         Turner          Sales                                           
Chicago         James           Sales                                           
Chicago         Michaels        Sales                                           
Chicago         Blake           Sales                                           
Chicago         Ward            Sales                                           
Dallas          Smith           Research                                        
Dallas          Ford            Research                                        
Dallas          Jones           Research                                        
Dallas          Scott           Research                                        

DEPT_LOC        EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME                                       
--------------- --------------- ---------------                                 
New York        Miller          Accounting                                      
New York        King            Management                                      
New York        Raimi           Accounting                                      

14 rows selected.

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME       DEPT_LOC                                        
--------------- --------------- ---------------                                 
Adams           Operations      Boston                                          
Blake           Sales           Chicago                                         
Ford            Research        Dallas                                          
James           Sales           Chicago                                         
Jones           Research        Dallas                                          
King            Management      New York                                        
Martin          Sales           Chicago                                         
Michaels        Sales           Chicago                                         
Miller          Accounting      New York                                        
Raimi           Accounting      New York                                        
Scott           Research        Dallas                                          

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME       DEPT_LOC                                        
--------------- --------------- ---------------                                 
Smith           Research        Dallas                                          
Turner          Sales           Chicago                                         
Ward            Sales           Chicago                                         

14 rows selected.

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME       DEPT_LOC                                        
--------------- --------------- ---------------                                 
Adams           Operations      Boston                                          
Blake           Sales           Chicago                                         
Ford            Research        Dallas                                          
James           Sales           Chicago                                         
Jones           Research        Dallas                                          
King            Management      New York                                        
Martin          Sales           Chicago                                         
Michaels        Sales           Chicago                                         
Miller          Accounting      New York                                        
Raimi           Accounting      New York                                        
Scott           Research        Dallas                                          

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME       DEPT_LOC                                        
--------------- --------------- ---------------                                 
Smith           Research        Dallas                                          
Turner          Sales           Chicago                                         
Ward            Sales           Chicago                                         

14 rows selected.

FEEDBACK ON for 6 or more rows
FEEDBACK ON for 3 or more rows

PTR PTR_LNAME                      PTR_FNAME                                    
--- ------------------------------ ---------------                              
102 Van Gogh                       Vincent                                      
104 Monet                          Claude                                       
106 Da Vinci                       Leonardo                                     

3 rows selected.

PTR PTR_LNAME                      PTR_FNAME                                    
--- ------------------------------ ---------------                              
104 Monet                          Claude                                       

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