Please send questions to .
-- 315lab12-projected.sql
-- last modified: 11-17-10 (after lab)

-- let's start all of this with a nice, clean set of example tables;
-- (copy and paste from course web page --- under "SQL and Lab-related 
-- Examples List" --- if you do not have this script handy.)

@ set-up-ex-tbls

-- *   ssh to nrs-labs
-- *   mkdir 315lab13
-- *   chmod 700 315lab13
-- *   cd 315lab13
-- *   nano lab13.sql
-- *   ...and start up today's lab script with:
--     *   comments containing your name, Week 13 lab, today's date
--     *   also spool on and spool off commands:
--         spool lab13-results.txt
--         spool off
-- REMEMBER: put the queries for today's lab exercise
--    IN BETWEEN the spool and spool off commands!

spool lab13-results.txt

-- first thing: it is good form to make sure that no previous
-- breaks, columns, computes are going to mess up your coming
-- report --- so clear 'em in your report script, first:

clear	breaks
clear	columns
clear	computes

-- compliments of S. Griffin: yes, this works, too!!!

clear breaks columns computes

-- NEW stuff starts HERE

-- COLUMN examples!

-- the BIG thing to remember: these do NOT change the tables or data
-- in ANY WAY --- they are simply DISPLAY preferences;

-- use a for formatting strings (and dates, too) --- a is for
-- ALPHANUMERIC (thanks to B. Gilden)
-- | in a heading is where you want a next line to begin in that
-- heading;

column empl_last_name heading 'Employee|Last Name' format a25
column empl_num format a8

set linesize 95

select	*
from	empl;

-- look! you don't have to have quotes to use a multi-line 
-- column heading!

column empl_last_name heading Employee|Name format a25

-- but, you MUST have quotes if a heading has a space!
-- (this fails...)

column empl_last_name heading Employee|Last Name format a25

-- hey look --- double quotes work, too...

column empl_last_name heading "Employee|Last Name" format a25 


-- lets make the employee last name column a trifle narrower
-- (note how too-short a format for a string column causes ugly
-- wrapping to next line;)

column empl_last_name heading 'Employee|Last Name' format a2

-- if you put TRUNCATED (or TRU) after a format --- will TRUNCATE (cut off)
-- after that many characters, instead of wrapping:

column empl_last_name heading 'Employee|Last Name' format a2 TRUNCATED

-- you can have WRAPPED (the default), to wrap at EXACTLY the column
-- width --- or WOR (for WORD WRAPPED), to break on a blank

insert into painting
('Waterlilies', '104');

insert into painting
('Yet four more', '104');

column ptg_title format a7 WOR

column ptg_title format a7 WRAPPED

select *
from   painting;

column ptg_title format a7 WOR

-- you can also left and right and center justify --- the HEADING?!
-- JUS L
-- JUS R
-- JUS C
-- (not the column contents, darn it --- JUST the heading...!

column empl_last_name heading "Employee|Last Name" format a16

column empl_last_name heading "Employee|Last Name" format a16 JUS L

column empl_last_name heading "Employee|Last Name" format a16 JUS R

column empl_last_name heading "Employee|Last Name" format a16 JUS C

-- can format so a column is wide enough for its entire heading...
-- (yes, if do not want heading or format, just don't put that clause)

column empl_num format a8

-- use format A (alphanumeric) for dates as well

column hiredate format a15

-- LAB EXERCISE problem 1
-- *   write a prompt that this is problem 1
-- *   give job_title's column a noticeably different heading and format
--     using the COLUMN command
-- *   then project the contents of the empl table (at least project
--     the job_title column...!)

-- some numeric formatting examples

-- let's play with formatting salaries...

column salary heading 'Salary' format 99999
select empl_last_name, dept_num, salary
from   empl;

-- make employee name heading back to left-justified:
-- (HAD to put JUS L to get left justified again --- why?)

column empl_last_name heading "Employee|Last Name" format a16 JUS L 

-- let's make dept_num look nicer

column dept_num heading 'Dept#' format a5

-- note that dept_num in ANY table will be formatted using this, now

select *
from   empl;

select *
from   dept;

-- let's make it too narrow:

column salary heading 'Salary' format 99

-- ...or if you try to format a numeric column with A

column salary heading 'Salary' format a6

-- let's make it better:

column salary heading 'Salary' format 99999

-- let's add fractional parts..
-- (more fractional places? it rounds...)

column salary heading 'Salary' format 99999.99

-- do you want the comma?

column salary heading 'Salary' format 99,999.99

-- and a dollar sign, since this is money

column salary heading 'Salary' format $99,999.99

-- make first digit in format a 0 to get leading zeros

column salary heading 'Salary' format $09,999.99

-- no 0 for values less than 1, more than or equal to 0, this way:

column commission heading 'Commission' format $9,999.99

select 	empl_last_name, commission
from	empl
where	job_title = 'Salesman';

-- this'll get you that 0:

column commission heading 'Commission' format $9,990.99

column commission heading 'Commission' format $0,000.00


-- I can give one column the same format as another using "like"

column salary heading 'Salary' format $99,990.99
column commission like salary heading 'Commission'

select 	empl_last_name, salary, commission
from	empl
where	job_title = 'Salesman';

-- PLEASE NOTE: a situation where a view can be quite convenient;
-- what if you have a computation whose results you would
-- like to format?

select	 dept_name, avg(salary)
from	 empl e, dept d
where	 e.dept_num = d.dept_num
group by dept_name;

-- Ugh! you'd like to FORMAT that avg(salary) column ---
-- UH OH --- but how?

-- actually, this WILL work:

column avg(salary) heading "Dept Avg" format $99,999.99

-- of course, it will do this column command for EVERY instance
-- of avg(salary)...

select   job_title, avg(salary)
from     empl
group by job_title;

-- BUT --- if you make this into a VIEW, you then GIVE it a
-- column name! A more particular place to "hang" a column
-- command...

drop view dept_avgs;

create view dept_avgs(dept_name, dept_avg) as
select	 dept_name, avg(salary)
from	 empl e, dept d
where	 e.dept_num = d.dept_num
group by dept_name;

-- NOW you have a more appropriate name for that column of 
-- *department* averages:

column dept_avg heading "Dept Avg" format $99,999.99
column dept_name heading "Dept Name"

-- check out how much better these look!

select    *
from      dept_avgs
order by  dept_name;

select	  *
from	  dept_avgs
order by  dept_avg desc;

-- LAB EXERCISE problem 2
-- *   write a prompt that this is problem 2
-- *  give empl's salary column a noticeably-different heading and 
--    numeric format
--    from its default, using the column command
-- *  then project the empl table's contents (or at least the
--    salary column)

-- BREAK command
-- do NOT confuse with GROUP BY clause!
-- it is used in conjunction with ORDER BY clause to get
-- "prettier" ordered table displays 

-- note how this looks...

select 	 dept_num, empl_last_name, salary
from	 empl
order by dept_num;

column dept_num heading 'Dept' format a4

-- this BREAK causes only the "first" dept_num in a "row" to
-- display;

break on empl on dept_num 

-- I can get blank lines between each broken-into section:

break on empl on dept_num skip 1

column mgr heading Mgr 
select	 dept_num, mgr, empl_last_name, salary
from	 empl
order by dept_num, mgr;


-- can have the break effect on more than one column at a time ---
-- BUT only 1 break command can be in effect at one time, so
-- put ALL the columns you want to break on in a single break command

break on empl on dept_num on mgr skip 1

-- and to NOT get the skip after each manager? (thanks to C. McLain)

break on empl on dept_num skip 1 on mgr

-- no, this one ISN'T pretty...
break on empl on dept_num skip 1 on mgr skip 2

-- REMEMBER: need to ORDER BY the column(s) you are breaking on,
--    or WON'T LOOK GOOD...

-- remember: a SQL*Plus command is supposed to be only on ONE line;
-- IF a SQL*Plus command like break is getting too long, however,
-- you can CONTINUE to the next line (ask sqlplus to pretend it
-- isn't a new line yet) by using a - at the end of the line:

break on empl on dept_num -
on mgr skip 3

-- LAB EXERCISE problem 3
-- *   write a prompt that this is problem 3
-- *   write a break command to break on column job_title
-- *   now write a query to project the rows of the empl table,
--     ordered by job_title

-- COMPUTE will let you make computations on those broken-into sections
-- (this works in CONJUNCTION with a break!!)

break on empl on dept_num skip 1 on mgr
compute avg min max of salary on dept_num

-- std for standard deviation
-- number for number of rows even counting those with nulls
-- variance computes the variance of the values in the columns 

-- 'compute' will show you your current compute definition

-- and 'break' will show you your current break definition


-- (NOTE that each break, CLEARS/replaces the previous
-- break, compute --- can have more than one compute at a
-- time, however (although not on the same column --- if
-- that's the case, newer one REPLACES the old)

compute count of empl_last_name on dept_num

-- TWO computes in effect now:


-- does this one replace earlier?

compute count of salary on dept_num

-- yes!


-- to customize how your compute results are labeled:
-- label option for compute command: (compliments of Mr. Serrano)

column dept_num format a5
break on dept_num skip 1
compute sum label 'total' of salary on dept_num

select    dept_num, empl_last_name, salary
from      empl
order by  dept_num;

-- to get a "grand" (overall) computation:
--    (compliments of L. Holden)
-- "Breaking and computing "on report" provides a grand total for
--    an entire report.... See code below, it computes a total of
--    employees by department and a grand total of all employees:"

break on dept_num skip 1 on REPORT
compute count of empl_num on dept_num
compute count label Total of empl_num on REPORT
column dept_num format a7
column empl_num format a7
set pagesize 53

select dept_num, empl_num
from empl
order by dept_num;

-- title-related commands: ttitle, btitle

show ttitle
show btitle

-- want a TITLE aTOP each page? ttitle

ttitle 'Beautiful|Three Line|Top Title'

-- want a BOTTOM title? btitle

btitle 'Gorgeous Two-line|Bottom Title'


spool off

-- quick slightly-flaky flat file example:

-- aha! space is # of spaces BETWEEN columns; default is 1

set space 0

-- this is also in try-flat.sql -- it seemed to work, in test-trial
--     11-17-10
-- (DOESN'T work as well PASTED into sqlldr -- DOES work better run
--     as a SQL SCRIPT!)
--     (pasted, you get the SQL command echoed into your output...
--     run as a script, you don't, in that 11-17-10 trial;)

set newpage 0
set linesize 80
set pagesize 0
set echo off
set feedback off
set heading off
set space 0

spool  flat-empl-data.txt

select	empl_last_name || ',' || salary
from    empl;

-- don't forget to spool off, or results file may be empty or
-- incomplete; 

spool off

-- see end of script for what cleanup script does...

@ cleanup

spool lab13-results-part2.txt

-- don't forget a string operation we've already seen: concatenation!

select empl_last_name || '_' || salary
from empl;

select empl_last_name || ', $' || salary "Pay Info"
from empl
order by empl_last_name;

-- in a report, canny concatenation can lead to nicer results...

/* for a phone directory report

select last_name || ', ' || first_name "Name", extension "Extension"
from ...
where ...
order by last_name;


/* maybe for an attendees list report

select first_name || ' ' || last_name "Attendees"
from ...
where ...
order by last_name;


/*   MANY combinations/concatenations of city, state, zip are possible!

select city || ', ' || state || '   ' || zip
from ...
where ...
order by ...;

select zip || '-' || city
from ...
where ...
order by zip;

select state ||': ' || city
from ...
where ...
order by state, city;


-- how about some date-related functions?

-- one you know about: sysdate!

select sysdate
from dual;

-- to_char: expects a date and a format, and it returns a character string
--     equivalent to the date based on the format

-- example 1: show JUST the month (format string 'MONTH' shows the entire
-- month name

select to_char(sysdate, 'MONTH')
from dual;

select to_char(hiredate, 'MONTH')
from empl;

-- string function initcap expects a string, and returns a string
-- with an initial uppercase letter

-- 'YYYY': the full 4-digit year

column "Month of Hiring" format a15

select initcap(empl_last_name) "Employee", 
       initcap( to_char(hiredate, 'MONTH YYYY') ) "Month of Hiring"
from empl
order by hiredate;

-- some more options:
-- 'MM' - month number
-- 'MON' - the first 3 letters of the month name
-- 'MONTH' - the entire month
-- 'DAY' - fully spelled out day of the week
-- 'DY' - 3-letter abbreviation of the day of the week

select initcap( to_char(hiredate, 'DAY') )
from empl;

-- these can be combined carefully with literals:

select initcap( to_char(hiredate, 'DAY, MONTH YY') ) "Hiredate"
from empl;

-- 'D' - number of date's day in the current week (Sunday is 1)
-- 'DD' - number of date's day in the current month
-- 'DDD' - number of date's day in the current year
-- 'HH12' - hours of the day (1-12)
-- 'HH24' - hours of the day (0-23)
-- 'MI' - minutes of the hour
-- 'SS' - seconds of the minute
-- 'AM' - displays AM or PM depending on the time

select to_char( sysdate, 'D DD DDD HH12 HH24 MI SS AM') "UGLY"
from dual;

-- a few more string functions

-- lower - all-lowercase version of your string
-- upper - all-uppercase version of the string
-- lpad, rpad - 
--   lpad(string, length, ['char']) -
--   returns a string that is the input <string> padded on the left with 
--   the <chars> until the length of the string reaches <length>
--  rpad: the same thing, on the right

select lpad(empl_last_name, 12, '.')
from empl;

select rpad(empl_last_name, 12, ' ')
from empl;

select lpad(initcap(to_char(hiredate, 'DAY')), 14, ' ') || 
       initcap(to_char(hiredate, ', MONTH YY') ) "Hiredate"
from empl;

-- ltrim, rtrim let you trim characters from the left or right of
--    a string
-- length: returns the length of the string 
-- substr - to grab a substring of a string 

select initcap('SILLY') looky
from dual;

select lower(empl_last_name), upper(empl_last_name)
from empl
where job_title = 'President';

select lpad(empl_last_name, 12, '.') dots,
       rpad(empl_last_name, 15, '?!') huh,
       lpad(empl_last_name, 12, ' ') maybe_right_justifd
from empl;

select ltrim('   Hi   ') lftchop,
       rtrim('   Hi   ') rtchop,
       rtrim( to_char(sysdate, 'Day')) || ', ' ||
          rtrim(to_char(sysdate, 'Month')) ||
          ' ' || to_char(sysdate, 'DD, YYYY') nicer
from dual;

select ltrim('   Hi   ') lftchop,
       rtrim('   Hi   ') rtchop,
       rtrim( to_char(hiredate, 'Day')) || ', ' ||
      	  rtrim(to_char(hiredate, 'Month')) ||
      	  ' ' || to_char(hiredate, 'DD, YYYY') nicer
from empl;

select empl_last_name, 
       length(empl_last_name) length,
       substr(empl_last_name, 1, 3) abb,
       substr(empl_last_name, 3) rest
from empl;

-- there are some conversion functions, too:
-- to_char can also be used to convert a number to a string
-- to_number takes a character string and IF that character string
--   is reasonable, turns it into a number
-- to_date converts a number or a string into a date

select to_number('0001') + 3
from dual;

drop table playdate;

create table playdate
(play_id   int,
play_date_time date,
primary key (play_id)

insert into playdate
(1, to_date('01-Jan-2009 21:30', 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi'));

insert into playdate
(2, to_date('22:29', 'hh24:mi'));

select play_id, to_char(play_date_time, 'hh12:mi')
from playdate;

-- and there are more date-related functions

-- +, - : you can add days to dates

select sysdate + 1
from dual;

select to_date('31-DEC-08') + 1
from dual;

select to_date('28-Feb-08') + 1
from dual;

select to_date('28-Feb-09') + 1
from dual;

-- next_day(d, day) a date d, and a string day rep the day of the
--    week, and returns the date of the next date after d that has 
--    that day of the week

select next_day(sysdate, 'TUESDAY')
from dual;

select next_day(sysdate, 'WEDNESDAY')
from dual;

-- least, greatest, add_months (to make a date m months of the given date),
-- months_between (returns the number of months between two dates)
-- and more...

select add_months('30-Jan-09', 1) one_month_later,
       months_between('15-Apr-09', '15-Jan-09') diff1,
       months_between('15-Apr-09', '01-Jun-09') diff2
from dual;

spool off

-- clean up when done (so as to not shock user with their
-- next query)

-- better to put the below lines into another cleanup
--    script you can call frequently! (thanks to T. Koyuncu)
-- @ cleanup

clear breaks
clear columns
clear computes

set space 	1
set feedback 	6
set pagesize 	14
set linesize 	80
set newpage  	1
set heading  	on

-- to turn off titles set!
ttitle off
btitle off

-- end of 315lab13-projected.sql