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CIS 450 - Week 3 Lecture 1 - 9-6-2011
In-Lecture Projections

*   Data is the lowest level -- a given, or a fact;
    *   often lacks context
    *   the raw material in the production of information
*   next level "up" is Information -- facts or conclusions that have meaning
    within context;
    *   the "middle" level!
    *   is some context here;
    *   composed of data that have been manipulated;
*   next level "up" is Knowledge -- content in context; enables the receiver
    to take informed action
    *   from
        "Knowledge is the understanding of rules needed to interpret
    *   from
        Knowledge as a map/model of the world;

*   some attempted examples:
    data: 151.62
    information: My checking account balance is $151.62
    knowledge: if my monthly balance drops below $500, I will have to
               pay a service charge

    data: It is raining.
    information: The temperature dropped 15 degrees and then it started
    knowledge: if the humidity is very high and the temperature drops
        substantially the atmosphere is often unlikely to be able to hold
	the moisture so it rains.

*   Two Java-based simple UML editors
    *   note: you need the Jave JRE installed on your system to run these;

    *   Violet: based on work overseen (I think) by object-oriented
        author Horstmann

        known to support:
        *   use case
	*   class
	*   object
	*   state
	*   activity
	*   sequence

    *   UMLet: another suggested by Horstmann

        *   seems to support many types of UML diagrams --
        *   class
	*   object
	*   use case
	*   state 
	*   interaction
	*   composite
	*   package
	*   activity
	*   deployment
        *   ...and more?