CS 458 - Week 4 Lecture 2 - 2017-09-14 Intro to Scrum, continued * REMINDER: User stories! * a description (CLIENT-UNDERSTANDABLE!) of a desired capability in the form: As a [User], I want to [Do this], so that I can [Achieve that] * an estimate of how long that user story will take to complete * on the back of the "card", give a list of acceptance criteria * remember: user stories need to be UNDERSTANDABLE to customers and developers, testable, valuable to the customer, small enough that several be implemented in a sprint * INVEST, as in Scrum slides on Tuesday... * Product Backlog List (PBL) * ORDERED list of user stories (and maybe additional tasks) * this WILL be changing! * can do with cards and/or post its on a white board or bulletin board -- can do with various tools such as Trello and numerous others * before the initial Sprint Planning Meeting, make sure you have input from the client about the order of user stories in the PB: * Sprint Planning Meeting * how you START each sprint * could last a number of hours! * REVIEW the current PBL * THEN the team needs to determine * the length of the Sprint * each team member needs to say how many hours they will be available during that Sprint * and the TOTAL capacity for user stories during that sprint (in hours) * THEN determine/build the Sprint Backlog List (SBL) for that Sprint * what will I want to see from this? that chart of hours and sprint length, the SBL, snapshot of the PBL, something from the client saying they have been consulted and are OK with those user stories for that sprint * Daily Scrum * short, stand-up meeting <-- can be virtual [HipChat, Slack, Discord, many others for example] * 2-3 times a week for a CS 458 project * 15 minutes is the LONGEST <-- hard limit! * everyone on the team "attends" * every member reports THREE THINGS: * what DID since last Daily Scrum * what HOPING TO DO by next Daily Scrum * any BLOCKS in their way * [stick to the SBL user stories!] * I'll be asking you to SEND me a record of this, including the THREE things each team member reported; * Sprint Review * teams DEMO what they have built during the Sprint and get FEEDBACK from the client * they give thumbs up or thumbs down and suggestions/critiques * Sprint Retrospective * what was good/pros / 1 per card * what could have been better / 1 per card * what actions to correct what didn't go so well * group cards, look at patterns ...for problems, determmine which need solutions brainstormed ^ I'll want to see the results of this (photo or screenshot or whatever)