CS 458 - Week 5 Lecture 2 - 2017-09-21

Mythical Man-Month - Chapter 3

*   brute-force scale up (for programming really large systems)
    tends to be:
    *   costly
    *   slow
    *   inefficient
    *   to produce systems that are not conceptually integrated

*   Harlan Mill's suggestion: why not structure teams of
    "surgical-style" teams, rather than designing teams
    where all are "hacking away"?


Jalote Chapter 2 - continued
Iterative Development software development process
    model, continued;

*   TWO variations on this model are discussed
    in Jalote Ch. 2:
    *   iterative enhancement
    *   iterative delivery
    *   in BOTH of these, software is developed
        AND DELIVERED in *increments* --
        each delivery is a working system
        the client can use,
        BUT each delivery adds some
        functional capability

        *   see how this addresses the "all or
            nothing" issue of Waterfall and

        *   and it can also address the requirements 
            bloating potential tendency of Waterfall

*   what, then, is the difference between
    iterative enhancement
    iterative delivery?

    *   iterative ENHANCEMENT
        *   1st step: creating a simple initial
            implementation for a SUBSET of the
            overall problem;

            this IS a deliverable, though
            (unlike a prototype)

            *   subset needs to contain some
                key aspects of the problem
            	that are easy to understand 
                and implement, and which form
                a USEFUL and USABLE system

                NOT a thowaway, though, note!

        *   create a PROJECT CONTROL LIST
            that contains, in (currently-understood)
            order, the tasks still needed to
            be done for the final implementation

            *   can indicate how far along the
                project is at a given time

        *   each step after that?
            *   remove the next task from the
            *   design the implementation
                for the selected task (design phase)
            *   code and test the implementation
                (implementation phase)
            *   perform an analysis of the partial
                resulting system (analysis phase)

                ...and update the project control
                list as a result;

        *   potential advantages:
            *   better allows for changing
                requirements (reordering the
                project control list is not as
                big a deal as changing the
                requirements would be in

            *   don't have the all-or-nothing

        *   potential disadvantages:
            *   since the requirements for future
                iterations are not known yet,
    	        will the design of the system
                in progress be robust enough?

            *   what if changes have to be
                made to the existing system
                at some point to accommodate
                future requirements?
                ...might require extra legwork,
                discarding earlier work, etc.

            *   each iteration, being  deliverable,
                does have an expectation of being
                well-designed, robust, usable

    *   how about iterative DELIVERY?
        *   let's DEVELOP iteratively...

        *   do the requirements and architecture
            design in a standard waterfall
            or prototyping aproach --
            thus, if you will, finalizing the
            requirements early in the software
            life cycle --

        *   but then design and build and deliver the 
            planned software in iterations
        *   the building of the system --
            one of the most time- and effort-consuming
            tasks -- is done iteratively,
            even though most the requirements are
            specified up-fron

    *   potential advantages:
        *   with requirements known up-front,
            you can hopefully write robust
            software for each iteration
            (with less throwing away of
            work from previous iterations)

       *   but client doesn't have the worry
           of an all-or-nothing single delivery
           at the end -- and they get software
           they can start using earlier

       *   (and if you are wrong about the
           requirements being done, feedback 
           can be obtained letting you know
           this earlier, and in a less costly
           fashion, than would be possible
           with waterfall or prototyping)

    *   potential disadvantages:
        *   trying to nail down the requirements
            "too early" might blunt some of the
            benefit of having multiple iterations

        *   (and there's the effort involved in
            coming up with those complete requirements
	    up front...)

Rational Unified Process (RUP)
*   created in 1996
*   iterative, architecture-centric, use-case driven

*   6 best practices: (Wikipedia on RUP)
    *   develop software iteratively (risk-driven)
    *   manage requirements
    *   use component-based architecture
    *   visually model the software (often via UML)
    *   continuously verify software quality
    *   control changes to the software

*   RUP is intended to be very FLEXIBLE,
    a framework for your project that can result
    in a process close to waterfall or close to
    agile or many possibilities in between

*   In RUP, a project is executed in a sequence
    of four phases:
    *   we'll call this sequence of 4 phases a CYCLE
    *   1. inception
        2. elaboration
        3. construction
        4. transition
        ...ends in a defined milestone, that's a deliverable

            *   inception - launching the
                current cycle

            *   elaboration - address the major
	        technical risks of the cycle

            *   construction - moving from
                the executable architecture
                from the elaboration phase
   	        to a beta version ready for

            *   transition - ends with the
                cycle release milestone --
                get it to the users,
	        ensure that it is working,
                evaluate to prepare for the
                next cycle
                ...release and evaluation;

    *   one point here is RUP is trying to separate these
        phases from the TASKS traditionally performed
        in developing software;
        ...you could have MULTIPLE of these traditional
           tasks, in different levels of intensity,
           in the different phases;

        *   that is, subprocesses of requirements,
            design, coding, testing, etc.,
	    are considered as active throughout
	    the cycles of a project,
	    although the intensity of each
	    can vary from phase to phase
	    within different cycles

*   to speed up development, employ
    parallelism between different iterations

*   does this mean working on different
    to-be-deliverable iterations at the SAME
    time? YES

*   really, uses the idea of PIPELINING
    *   ...carefully set up, for a project
        suitable for such an approach!

*   basic unit of development: a time box, of FIXED duration
    *   you decide what can be developed in this fixed duration,
        NOT "given these desired features, how long do we need?"

*   the time box is divided into a sequence of 
    EQUAL-LENGTH stages

    *   there is a dedicated team for each of those stages

    *   each STAGE performs a clearly-defined task
        for the time box iteration,
        and produces a clearly-defined output;

        and, such that each stage is of the
        same duration
        (if 4 stages in a time box,
        set up so each stage takes 1/4 of the time of
        the time box;

        if 3 stages in a time box,
        set up so each stage takes 1/3 of the time
        of the time box)

    *   and note: the people working on a stage
        work on *that* stage for different
        iterations of the time box,
        over and over;

        this does mean a BIGGER team of people,
        (more people for getting releases/iterations
        to the user more quickly)

        *   takes the same amount of time for
            each iteration/deliverable,
            BUT using more people working
            in a pipelined-parallel fashion
            to get more frequent releases
            of those iterations to the users

            ...uses additional workforce to
            reduce delivery time;

    *   (see the figures in Jalote Ch. 2 -- they illustrate
        this approach nicely;)

*   can be well-suited for projects with:
    *   a LARGE number of features
    *   needed in a SHORT time
    *   around a STABLE architecture
        using STABLE technologies