************************************************************ SECTIONS from Jalote 6 you are responsible for on the Final: * Intro through 6.1, 121-131 * Sections 6.3, 6.3.1, 6.3.2 - pp. 142-156 * Section 6.6 - pp. 172-176 - metrics * pp. 177-178 - chapter summary ************************************************************ * open-closed principle * a module should be open for extension but closed for modification * Liskov's Substitution Principle * If a program is using object o1 of (base) class C, that program should remain unchanged if o1 is replaced by an object o2 of a subclass of C * UML - Unified Modeling Language is a graphical language for * visualizing * specifying * constructing and * documenting ...the artifacts of a software-intensive system * UML is not a software development process model or methodology; * UML is not ITSELF a model -- it is a language USEFUL for modeling (and more); * using UML to visualize aspects of software this CAN HELP to understand one's system better, and CAN HELP in communicating aspects of a system; it is a NOTATION for representing designs at various levels * trying to provide "vocabulary" to model software at different LEVELS of abstraction * consists of MANY diagram types...! ...see "Additional UML References" link in References section on public course web site;