*   for writing in general:
    The Elements of Style - Strunk and White

    for programming-writing:
    The Elements of Programming Style - Kernighan

*   Literate Programming (Donald Knuth) - 
    taking ideas from MMM Chapter 15 even further
    in terms of writing readable code;

*   computer programs are made to be read by people, not just

*   avoid obvious-to-the point-of-insulting comments...

int x;


x = x + 1;    /* add 1 to x */

*   think of "why" based comments as building premises to a

*   smidgen related to white-box testing:

; say my test suite includes:  blah being true; blah being false; beah being true; beah being false; moo truel meh true
; make sure that you see that that test suite of test cases does provide statement coverage,
;     but NOT branch coverage (didn't exercise the branch of not entering the while loop and skipping its body;
;     didn't exercise the branch of if (meh) being false...

if (blah)
     do this;
     do that;

     if (beah)

while (moo)
    if (meh)

*   back to black-box testing:

     *   consider equivalence class partitioning;

     *   consider the inputs as partitioned into classes for which the
         software's behavior should be the same,
	 make sure you test at least one value from each equivalence class;

*   it isn't enough to just pull some number of test cases
    from each equivalence class;
    ...you also need to do boundary value analysis,
    and include test cases for boundary values;

    *   getting into stricter SW engineering terms,

        ideally you don't test JUST boundary,
	but also also values just outside the "edges", both ways!

    *   absolute value?
        *   0 is a boundary, so you'd test with 0 as an input;
	*   -0.1 is just less than that boundary, it could work as
	    a value just outside the 0 boundary in one direction
        *   0.1 is just greater than that boundary, it could work
	    as a value just outside the 0 boundary in the other direction