Homework 7 Problem 4

Your Name Here

===== Problem 4-1 =====
4-1 query 1:

---- --------------- --------------- -------- ----------------- ---             
7777 Feta            Frank           777-7777                 0 500             
2222 Beta            Bob             222-2222               1.2 200             
6666 Epsilon         Emma            666-6666               2.1 400             
9999 Harpo           Harry           999-9999               3.3 100             
4444 Delta           David           222-2222               3.4 400             
3333 Carlos          Ann             333-3333               3.8 300             
8888 Greta           Gail            888-8888               4.4 200             
1111 Alpha           Ann             111-1111               4.9 100             
5555 Beta            Edie            555-5555                 5                 

9 rows selected.

4-1 query 2:

---- --------------- --------------- -------- ----------------- ---             
5555 Beta            Edie            555-5555                 5                 
1111 Alpha           Ann             111-1111               4.9 100             
8888 Greta           Gail            888-8888               4.4 200             
3333 Carlos          Ann             333-3333               3.8 300             
4444 Delta           David           222-2222               3.4 400             
9999 Harpo           Harry           999-9999               3.3 100             
6666 Epsilon         Emma            666-6666               2.1 400             
2222 Beta            Bob             222-2222               1.2 200             
7777 Feta            Frank           777-7777                 0 500             

9 rows selected.

===== Problem 4-2 =====

Movie: Rating                                                                   
Clockwork Orange: A                                                             
Midnight Cowboy: A                                                              
All About Eve: G                                                                
Babe: G                                                                         
Gone with the Wind: G                                                           
It's a Wonderful Life: G                                                        
The Muppet Movie: G                                                             
The Philadelphia Story: G                                                       
Toy Story: G                                                                    
Toy Story 2: G                                                                  
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: PG                                        

Movie: Rating                                                                   
Return of the Jedi: PG                                                          
Star Wars: PG                                                                   
The Empire Strikes Back: PG                                                     
The Phantom Menace: PG                                                          
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: PG-13                                       
Fatal Attraction: R                                                             
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: R                                              
The Blues Brothers: R                                                           
The Matrix: R                                                                   

20 rows selected.

===== Problem 4-3 =====

CATEGORY_N MOVIE_TITLE                              MOVIE                       
---------- ---------------------------------------- -----                       
Drama      Clockwork Orange                         A                           
Drama      Midnight Cowboy                          A                           
Family     Babe                                     G                           
Family     The Muppet Movie                         G                           
Family     Toy Story                                G                           
Family     Toy Story 2                              G                           
Classic    All About Eve                            G                           
Classic    Gone with the Wind                       G                           
Classic    It's a Wonderful Life                    G                           
Classic    The Philadelphia Story                   G                           
Action     Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom     PG                          

CATEGORY_N MOVIE_TITLE                              MOVIE                       
---------- ---------------------------------------- -----                       
Action     Return of the Jedi                       PG                          
Action     Star Wars                                PG                          
Action     The Empire Strikes Back                  PG                          
Action     The Phantom Menace                       PG                          
Action     Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade       PG-13                       
Drama      Fatal Attraction                         R                           
Drama      One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest          R                           
Comedy     The Blues Brothers                       R                           
Action     The Matrix                               R                           

20 rows selected.

===== Problem 4-4 =====

CLIENT_LNAME    CLIENT_P CLIENT_CREDIT_RTG                                      
--------------- -------- -----------------                                      
Epsilon         666-6666               2.1                                      
Beta            222-2222               1.2                                      
Feta            777-7777                 0                                      

===== Problem 4-5 =====

VID_FOR        QTY AVG RENTAL PRICE                                             
------- ---------- ----------------                                             
Blu-Ray         23             2.39                                             
DVD             15       4.85666667                                             
HD-DVD           4             1.14                                             

===== Problem 4-6 =====

VID_RENTAL_PRICE   QUANTITY                                                     
---------------- ----------                                                     
            5.99          6                                                     
            4.99          3                                                     
            3.99          5                                                     
            2.99          8                                                     
            2.19          6                                                     
            1.99         10                                                     
            1.29          2                                                     
             .99          2                                                     

8 rows selected.

===== Problem 4-7 =====

VID_RENTAL_PRICE   QUANTITY                                                     
---------------- ----------                                                     
            5.99          6                                                     
            3.99          5                                                     
            2.99          8                                                     
            2.19          6                                                     
            1.99         10