should see a message with BOTH of your names

lab query 1

DEPT_NAME       LOCATION                                                        
--------------- ---------------                                                 
Accounting      New York                                                        
Research        Dallas                                                          
Sales           Chicago                                                         
Operations      Boston                                                          
Management      New York                                                        

lab query 2

Last Name       Hired     Job Title                                             
--------------- --------- ----------                                            
King            17-NOV-11 President                                             
Jones           02-APR-12 Manager                                               
Blake           01-MAY-13 Manager                                               
Raimi           09-JUN-12 Manager                                               
Ford            03-DEC-12 Analyst                                               
Smith           17-DEC-12 Clerk                                                 
Michaels        20-FEB-18 Sales                                                 
Ward            22-FEB-19 Sales                                                 
Martin          28-SEP-18 Sales                                                 
Scott           09-NOV-18 Analyst                                               
Turner          08-SEP-19 Sales                                                 

Last Name       Hired     Job Title                                             
--------------- --------- ----------                                            
Adams           23-SEP-18 Clerk                                                 
James           03-DEC-17 Clerk                                                 
Miller          23-JAN-16 Clerk                                                 

14 rows selected.

lab query 3

EMPL_LAST_NAME  HIREDATE  H PLUS 3                                              
--------------- --------- ---------                                             
King            17-NOV-11 20-NOV-11                                             
Jones           02-APR-12 05-APR-12                                             
Blake           01-MAY-13 04-MAY-13                                             
Raimi           09-JUN-12 12-JUN-12                                             
Ford            03-DEC-12 06-DEC-12                                             
Smith           17-DEC-12 20-DEC-12                                             
Michaels        20-FEB-18 23-FEB-18                                             
Ward            22-FEB-19 25-FEB-19                                             
Martin          28-SEP-18 01-OCT-18                                             
Scott           09-NOV-18 12-NOV-18                                             
Turner          08-SEP-19 11-SEP-19                                             

EMPL_LAST_NAME  HIREDATE  H PLUS 3                                              
--------------- --------- ---------                                             
Adams           23-SEP-18 26-SEP-18                                             
James           03-DEC-17 06-DEC-17                                             
Miller          23-JAN-16 26-JAN-16                                             

14 rows selected.

lab query 4

JOB_TITLE  COMMISSION   PLUS 20%                                                
---------- ---------- ----------                                                
Sales             300        360                                                
Sales             500        600                                                
Sales            1400       1680                                                
Sales               0          0                                                

JOB_TITLE  COMMISSION   PLUS 20%                                                
---------- ---------- ----------                                                

14 rows selected.

lab query 5

JOB_TITLE  COMMISSION   PLUS 20%                                                
---------- ---------- ----------                                                
Sales             300        360                                                
Sales             500        600                                                
Sales            1400       1680                                                
Sales               0          0                                                

lab query 6

CUST_LNAME           EMPL_LAST_NAME                                             
-------------------- ---------------                                            
Firstly              Michaels                                                   
Thirdly              Michaels                                                   
Secondly             Martin                                                     

lab query 7

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_LOC                                                        
--------------- ---------------                                                 
Miller          New York                                                        
Raimi           New York                                                        
Scott           Dallas                                                          
Jones           Dallas                                                          
Ford            Dallas                                                          
Smith           Dallas                                                          
Martin          Chicago                                                         
Ward            Chicago                                                         
Blake           Chicago                                                         
Michaels        Chicago                                                         
James           Chicago                                                         

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_LOC                                                        
--------------- ---------------                                                 
Turner          Chicago                                                         
Adams           Boston                                                          
King            New York                                                        

14 rows selected.

lab query 8

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEP DEPT_NAME                                                   
--------------- --- ---------------                                             
Miller          100 Accounting                                                  
Raimi           100 Accounting                                                  
Scott           200 Research                                                    
Jones           200 Research                                                    
Ford            200 Research                                                    
Smith           200 Research                                                    
Martin          300 Sales                                                       
Ward            300 Sales                                                       
Blake           300 Sales                                                       
Michaels        300 Sales                                                       
James           300 Sales                                                       

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEP DEPT_NAME                                                   
--------------- --- ---------------                                             
Turner          300 Sales                                                       
Adams           400 Operations                                                  
King            500 Management                                                  

14 rows selected.

lab query 9

# SAL>2000                                                                      

lab query 10

EARLIEST  LATEST                                                                
--------- ---------                                                             
17-DEC-12 23-SEP-18                                                             

lab query 11

NUM_SELECTED TOTAL_COMMS AVG_OF_COMMS                                           
------------ ----------- ------------                                           
           4        2200          550                                           

lab query 12

 NUM_EMPLS NON_NULL_COMMS NON_NULL_MGRS                                         
---------- -------------- -------------                                         
        14              4            13                                         

lab part 13
This should print an example question you could ask about
employees, departments, and/or customers that you think you can
answer using either computed columns, aggregate functions,
or both

For example:
For the current clerk(s) who has/have been with this company
the longest, when were they hired?

(and here you should see the result of your query answering
that question)
For example:
